A quiet stroll

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(Y/N) POV:

I strolled through the streets of the small town calmly and headed towards the square. It was a lovely sunny day and I was enjoying my quiet walk. I was sent here half an hour ago to get some groceries. Basic stuff like bread, milk, indulgent amounts of alchohol etc.

Today had been slightly stressful due to the meeting held in the morning and I just wanted to escape from the compound for a while an get some fresh air. The groceries weren't all that necessary but Natasha saw I needed some time to myself so gave me an excuse knowing my mind worked by going from mission to mission. She gave me one. Albeit a short and unnecessary one.

The meeting which had stressed me out so much started out with Tony taking charge and talking about the condition of the female assailant from a few nights ago.


"Well sadly the medics couldn't save her. The poison was already within her system by the time they got her into care. They tried their best to dilute it and find an easy way of making it better but it didn't work. She was lost and so was all of our possible intel." Tony finished and there was a silence within the group as we all seperatively thought through the ramifications of what had happened.

"But there are a few peices of news that are important. Number one, (Y/N) is fine and his ability to heal has not been stolen. It turns out that they had tipped their blades with specific cells which produced an unidentified chemical compound which in turn attached to his own cells and inhibited his ability to perform meiosis and mitosis for a given amount of time before the unidentified compound was broken down by the cell membrane." He spoke again but most of us were still confused.

He placed his forefinger and thumb on his nose in dissapointment before translating. "There are some cells on the end of their weapons which stop him from healing for a short period." He explained and a large amount of nodding happened between those in the group.

"So how did they know to make this? Did they have access to his DNA?" Natasha asked and Tony shrugged.

"No clue red. If I'm honest I have no idea how they managed to do this...But!" He began again slightly more excited. "I have run mutiple more tests upon the virus we recovered from Austria and it is very complex. I sent in a small set of my DNA as a test and within twenty seconds the cell was deconstructed, the chromosomes were changed and the cell died. The interesting thing is that it seems to only affect human cells. I tried it on mice and a cactus but it simply stayed on the outside. I have no idea how it works but it can be destoyed. After careful loooking, human antibodies were incapable of altering it but I had a professor from a nearby university come and have a look. Together we worked out that if we modified some plant cells which could theoretically neutralise the virus' ability to mutate the host." He said and our heads nodded in agreement.

"Now, I don't have the tech to take down this entire batch of but a military base in New Jersey does. I've pulled in a few favors and got us a ticket to an armed escort over there. Should I tell them yes?" He asked the room and there were somewhat mixed opinions.

"No way. We do that and all that we do is give them more of a reason to attack us. They've already gotten into the compound before. What says they won't do more? What we should do is work out exactly what its purpose is and then work out what to do with it." Sam replied and I nodded along with him.

I still silently beleived that this was Perfections and knew that if that really is what their plan is dependant upon then they will be willing to negotiate with us. The second we get rid of it is the second we get rid of any chance of bargaining.

Only keep an opponent in the field as long as they have power over you. The second that power is gone wipe them out. -Astrikov

"I disagree. If we continue to hold this then there is indeed a chance for them to become more agressive but due to the possibly destructive nature of the virus, getting rid of it makes it impossible for them to weaponise it against us and innocent bystanders." Vision stated calmly and logically. He never needed to use power or emotion behind his words to prove his point. Everyone knew that the second he came to a conclusion that he had thought over every possibility.

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