I've done worse for worse reasons

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Natasha POV:

I decided that we should walk towards the nearest mall with a tech shop to trace what was on the file. After a while I asked "Why exactly are we on the run Rogers?"

He paused for a moment aas we walked. "Because, I didn't tell Pierce why Fury was in my apartment. He sent the STRIKE team to take me down and then tried to trap me inside of the Triskellion. Currently he's out for blood and all of SHIELD is on my back."

"All of SHIELD?" I asked suddenly realising something very important.


"What about (Y/N)?" I whispered and saw his eyes open wide.

"He is definitely going to be on the team trying to find us." He said looking slightly more glum.

"Yeah if only to kick my ass for not paying for the coffee he bought me. let alone for becoming a fugitive." I shuddered at the memory of how he terrifying was when he actually got serious. The voice that sounded like death itsself and the speed that seemed almost inhuman.

Steve chuckled slightly. "I think that if we see him we try to convince him to join us because I sure as hell don't feel in the mood to fight him."

"Agreed." I said as we walked into the main building and onto the second floor where we saw the tech place that I had remembered visiting a few months back to give Steve a new phone. He still doesn't understand the concept of filters and why they exist.

I strolled up to the nearest computer and began to work.

"The drive has a level six homing program so the second we boot up SHIELD will know where we are."

"How long do we have?" Steve asked looking around at the shoppers nearby as if beleiving that any one of them could reveal themselves to be a SHIELD agent.

"About nine minutes starting from...Now" I plugged in the USB and began tapping at the keys rapidly trying to decode the encryption on it.


(Y/N) POV:

Rumlow was driving us towards where we got a location for the stolen USB. I had been told over the last few minutes that Steve had refused to co-operate with Alexander Pierce, Stolen the USB, taken down half of the STRIKE team, escaped from the Triskellian and then managed to convince Natasha to help him in his crazy scheme.

I was having quite a hard time believing it honestly. I knew Natasha well enough that she would never intentionally make herself a target unless she knew it was worth it. Something was up and no matter what was going to happen when we arrived I was going to find out the truth.

The van rocked slightly over a pot hole as we each began attaching our equipment. Subtle equipment of course. A single handgun and spare clip under my usual clothes as well as a communictor and a backup knife stashed in my pocket.

"There is a three step plan to this mission. Step one: Half of us form a perimeter around the building including Phantom. Everyone else, searches around until the hostiles-"

"Steve and Natasha." I corrected him and he nodded slightly.

"When they are found step two happens. Basically Phantom its your time to shine, you take them both close quarters and we offer covering fire and a secured outer perimeter. You are the only one here capable of neutralising them both even if the odds are against you." 

I nodded knowing that if it all did go down badly then at least I could make sure they felt the least amount of pain during the mission.

"Final step, extraction. We cart them off to a cell in the Triskellion where we can interrogate them and work out what they aren't telling us. We all clear?" He asked into his comms and about twenty replies sounded out.

The Phantom (Black Widow x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now