How easy

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(Y/N) POV:

I sat in the dingy cell, moisture now clinging to the walls and a sour smell oozed from the ceiling.

What the fuck happened?

I tried to get us a way out. 

And did it work?

Yes, I managed to get a coin.

How would that...Oh. Okay. Don't you think that's a bit risky?

Very, but we'll be fine.

They can actually harm us.

I know.

And they have ridiculously good aim.

I know. Don't worry just go through with it and you'll be fine. I swear.

So we wait?

And we waited...and waited...and waited. Until, finally, the miniscule slit in the metal doorway opened for a fraction of a second to allow a small solid bar of what seemed to be flapjack slid through the gap. I darted forwards, now knowing where the camera was due to my earlier escapade, and made it look like I was scrambling to assure that the flapjack bar didn't hit the filthy ground.

However, while I grabbed for the bar with one hand, the other, controlled my moi, was flicking the collected coin from my palm to the metal slit in the door. Just as I caught the bar, the coin slid underneath and stopped the slit from closing entirely, giving me a chance.

I decided to lean against the door whilst eating to hide the coin stopping the hole from properly closing and so that my monitors saw that I was acting passive. I finished my bar, or more precisely I assured that the contents looked like they were eaten because there was no way that I was swallowing that food, and then rapidly put my plan into motion. I stood up, spat the remnants of the bar into the camera, and thenused all of my strength to bend the bottom of the metal holding the coin in place to allow my little fingers to fit inside. I used them to pull upwards and then uing the space from that fit more and more fingers in within a few seconds until the entire thing was open. Next, I found the hinges of the door and broke them off with my arm outside allowing me to pull my arm out of the opening and charge my way through the door with brute force.

I ran behind the guard that was standing by the doorway to the next room and snapped their neck with brilliant ease. Simultaneously, the one next to them pressed a button on the side of their helmet whilst firing at me. I dodged to the side and snapped the gun in half before slamming his head into the wall, cracking both his helmet and skull in half.

I grabbed the working gun off of the first guard and assured it was loaded. Around twenty guards appeared on both sides of the corridor and fired on me. I ducked down for a half second allowing for the first volley of bullets to hit each other and take down a few of my enemies. During the second's respite of fire so that they could re-aim, I slowed down my time and looked around me. I could see no obvious escape route for around a minute of internal time before I noticed a particularly large ventialtion shaft entrance above me.

I sped up my time again and instantly used my gun to shoot off the cover for the ceiling entrance whilst simultaneously jumping onto the wall and then ceiling, grabbing onto the exit. I was shot in the shoulder and two bullets scraped my arms but I ignored the pain as bullets were now being fired into the ceiling. I ran as fast as I could and right behind me bullets pocked holes in the metal floor.

I barely managed to duck into a secondary connected shaft and saw the wave of bullets pass me by. Quickly, I ripped off a large portion of my shirt and wrapped it tightly around my different wounds trying to minimise the amount of blood I was trailing.

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