Untitled Part 21

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Chapter Twenty One

I pretended to sleep all the way to Birmingham, feeling Jake lightly stroke my fingers from time to time, his palm moist against mine. Finally, when we were inside the city limits, Jake leaned over and kissed my cheek. His mouth was near my ear, and he said, "I know you're awake." He then raised my hand to his lips, and I felt him kiss my fingers before he got up and relinquished his hold.

Well, that hadn't fooled anyone, so I sat up and looked around. It seemed everyone had decided to sleep except Jake. The guys and gals were all stretching and preparing to disembark because we had reached the hotel. We stayed at the Hilton at Brindley Place, a good hotel, and we went right in, no problem.

Once we were ensconced in a suite, the guys began to warm up for the soundcheck. After that, all I wanted was a shower. I was about to go into Josh's room when Jake stopped me.

"You'll be in my room tonight," he said.

"Don't I get a say?"

"Yes, of course. If you'd rather stay with Josh, you can."

Jake seemed disappointed that I would turn him down, and I said, "I don't want to be ordered; that's all. I don't like it."

"Then you'll be in my room?"

"Yes, Jake, I'll stay with you, but there's something you should know."

"I know. Tonight, all we're doing is talking."


Jake nodded his head, and then he turned and picked up his guitar. I sighed and went into Jake's room, where I found my duffle waiting for me. I took a quick shower, tended to myself, dried my hair, applied light makeup, dressed, and finally went out to the main room.

Badger stood in one corner, and he grinned and nodded to me. I was not surprised that he was there. The guys seemed ready to go, so we headed out to the NEC, where they would be performing the show.

When we got there, Badger and I did our usual thing and checked out the guys' hall to perform. I had no idea how massive the NEC was, and I was not too fond of it. There were too many places for a shooter to hide. But all looked well, and Badger was satisfied, so I tried to calm down and just enjoy the show.

We would have to get in some serious range time; the guys had been slacking on it. So even though Badger was satisfied with their progress, I wasn't. I watched the soundcheck, and by the time it was over, people were already milling about, waiting for the doors to open.

A local band was opening for the guys, and it was my understanding they were outstanding. We would see. The auditorium filled fast. It was a sold-out venue, and I marveled at how word spread so quickly. I grinned a bit. Jack probably had something to do with that.

The show was three-quarters done, and the guys were incendiary. No matter that they made mistakes, the crowd loved them for it. It only served to prove that they were humans striving for perfection in an imperfect world.

I was patrolling the back of the venue when someone called, "Fallon!" I looked in the direction of the voice----and went rigid for a moment. The voice belonged to Georgie Altman. If Big Georgie was here, so was Luca Luci, son of Giovanni Luci, head of one of the most powerful crime families in the world.

I had known Giovanni Luci all my life, and I liked him a great deal. He was courtly, well-mannered, and always treated women with respect. However, he also ruled his empire with an iron will that I had found in only one other person----Jack. Jack and Giovanni were cautious friends, but Luca Luci was nothing like his father.

Fallon----A GVF Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now