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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐎𝐕

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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐎𝐕


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LISTENING TO RICK SPEAK ON AND MENTION THE GUNS HE HAD LEFT BEHIND, those standing around and listening couldn't help but look at him in shock, most of them knowing just how detramental those weapons could be.

Because in this new world, there was nothing more important than shelter, food, and safety; yet safety translated honestly to weaponry, without the means to protect your shelter and food there was little chance a person would survive in the new world.

It was also something their mediocre group was running low on.

"Ammo?" Shane couldn't help but ask already not wanting any of their group memebers to go on their trip, however, he too knew that they would soon be in need of any type of weaponry.

Ammo included.

"Seven hundred rounds, assorted." Rick answered seriously and simply, not only wanting to go back for the weapons and ammo, but also the man they'd left behind.

And hearing the amount of bullets and guns they'd be able to acquire, many of those among the old leader and the possible new one understood as well just how much they needed those weapons.

Yet it was only Daleyza that knew just how much Rick would fight to go out and undo the wrong that he felt was weighing him down with guilt.

"Rick's right," She spoke up bringing the attention of the group onto her, everyone looking over to where she was currently sitting as she was another big voice for the group. "we could really use those guns around here."

As she spoke Daleyza did a simple glance around the camp as there had been a deep feeling of fear running through her for the past few nights, running through her spine every time she thought about how unprotected the group was.

Other than the frequent over night watches taken over by the men, there was little to no real surveilence being taking of the camp, let alone enough to fight off many of those things that currently riddled Atlanta.

However, it wasn't until a smaller more childlike voice spoke up did both Rick and Daleyza remember that their opinion weren't the only ones that mattered when it came to Rick's leaving.

"Dad," Carl adolescent voice spoke up out from the fray, everyone's attention turning over to him from beside Daleyza. "I don't want you to go."

The saddness in his voice evident to everyone as most of them had forgotten him as a factor in all this, especially Rick.

The man stunned into silence for a moment throwing pleading look to his wife, who'd already taken the nail of her thumb between her lips.

Biting on the keratin as she would whenever she felt guilty or upset about something, yet when she met her husband's eyes she couldn't help but quickly drop her hand knowing he'd picked up on a lot of her habits over the years.

Instead turning toward her son to attempt an explain what was going on, which was hard to do since it didn't seem like a very good idea, especially when saying it too blatantly.

"Carl-" Daleyza attempted to comfort the small kid as she put her arm around him wanting to say something in Rick's favor, but Carl only threw her arm off of him

The little to deep in his emotions, instead throwing himself at his father, rushing into his arms just as he did when they'd reunited yesterday.

"Dad please don't go." He muttered into Rick's side as he held onto him, Rick only sighed as he pulled the boy off and squatted down to his height.

"Carl, you see, I owe a debt to a man I met and his little boy," Rick said glancing over at Daleyza, not only explaining it to Carl but to her too. "if they hadn't taken me in, I'd have died it's because of them that I made it back to you at all, they said they'd follow me to Atlanta, they'll walk into the same trap I did if I don't warn him."

"What's stopping you?" Daleyza asked him confused, although she was for him going it didn't stop her from being worried.

"The walkie-talkie, the one in the bag I dropped, he's got the other one, we planned to connect when they got closer." Rick explained to them simply, making Daleyza nod understanding his want to go back.

"These are our walkies?" Shane asked knowing how their walkies were, compared to the bigger city cops they were severely underfunded.

"Yeah." Rick answered a he stood up making sure Carl was securely in his arms, he didn't want to leave his son, but this was something he had to do.

"So use the CB, what's wrong with that?" Andrea asked confused, she knew a bit about cop radios, and she knew that they worked with CB radios.

"The CB's fine, it's the walkies that suck to crap, date back to the '70s, don't match any other bandwidth not even the scanners in our cars." Shane explained to the rest of them.

"I need that bag," Rick said as he moved closer to Daleyza, the latter nodding knowing he needed it so he wouldn't feel guilty. "okay?"

Carl only took a small pause to look up at his Dad, giving him a nod before he reburied his head into his shoulder.

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