Prologue - Survivor

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3rd Person Pov

Onyx: "I'm sorry can you repeat please?"

Theresa: "I understand that this must be hard for you but as I said everyone you know is dead due to a Honkai Eruption in your city."

Onyx: "And out of all those people, I survived?"

Theresa: "By the time the Valkyries got there you were hanging on by a thread of your life, by the look of your wounds at the time you must've been very close to the source."

Our protagonist looked down at his hospitalized state with bandages wrapped over most of his dark skin, if anything someone might've mistaken him for an Egyptian emperor getting embalmed as a mummy. An IV was hooked to his arm with a mask over his face that was delivering oxygen to his skin, it hadn't been long since he woke up from his supposed coma of a month.

Onyx: "So my family's dead?"

Theresa: "They were all either killed or turned. I'm sorry for your lose."

They both stayed silent so that Onyx could digest this newly given information.

Onyx: "...couldn't have someone else told me all this, who are you even?"

Theresa: "Well that is because you have been confirmed to have gained Honkai resistance, I'm Theresa Apocalypse a Valkyrie and Headmistress of St Freya's Academy for Valkyries."

Onyx: "They let brats fight monsters now?"

Theresa: "I'm not a kid! I've been doing this ever since your parents were kids."

Onyx: "How many babies you sacrificed for that youth?"

Theresa: "For someone who was half a foot in the grave you sure are snarky... Anyways seeing as you survived and have Honkai Adaptability, I've come to offer you a place at my school."

The boy thought for a moment before reaching up to remove the breathing mask from his face and sat up with less issues than expected before looking out the window.

Onyx: "Can you give me a bit to think it over, I'd like to take in the rain after being asleep for so long."

Theresa turned her gaze to the window only to see clear clouds and warm shimmering rays beaming into the room, confusing her at his statement.

Theresa: "But it's not raining-"

She then saw tears begin to fall down his cheeks and his hands clenching the sheets and shaking to which she stopped herself, the loli had gave a quick nod before exiting the room. Once she had left Onyx stayed unmoving with his gaze out of the window in his room until.

He couldn't take it anymore.

He broke down into tears as the realisation that everyone he knew whether he was on good bad or neutral terms were now dead. He was by himself in this world now, his parents were dead, his sister was dead, his best friend was dead, his haters are dead, even that nice lunch lady that had always snuck in extra food on his plate, the kids that played around outside his house were dead. All that he had ever known was unfairly taken from him by a phenomenon of the world.

He was devastated, angry, tired, hungry and many other feelings appropriate to the scenario. However, it all boiled down to pure sadness as he bawled his eyes out, Theresa stayed outside the door as his grieving became audible through the door. After sometime he had calmed down just as Theresa had returned into the room as the remnants of tears still streaked across his cheeks.

After about an hour he was now calm once more and was laying back in his bed despite the bandages restricting his movements. His obsidian coloured eyes transfixed onto the ceiling as he was left in deep thought, silently mourning those who had lost their lives in the eruption. He heard knocking at the door before Theresa had entered before slowly closing the door.

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