Eruption 5 - A Small Competition

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3rd Person Pov

It was time for classes once more with Himeko teaching the class about the different types of enemy they could run into. Explaining how battlesuits and weapons catered towards fighting against certain enemy types. Onyx was taking notes while ignoring the glare that Kiana was shooting him from her desk. Noticing this Bronya kicked the seat leg of the white haired maiden making her yelp slightly.

Himeko: "Kiana actually being interactive in class? Answer since you seem so eager."

Kiana: "Erm- Well- You see..."

Himeko: "I see you wasn't paying attention that's what I see."

Most of the class laughed at the tuna's fumble with Bronya having a satisfied look on her face.

Himeko: "If you all are laughing that means you know the answer already. So who'll volunteer?"

Onyx raised his hand.

Himeko: "Go ahead Onyx."

Onyx: "Zombies are biological foes, Honkai Beasts are psychic and Mechs are obviously robotic."

Himeko nodded.

Himeko: "Very good, seems some of us have been studying unlike others."

Kiana grumbled at this as she heard more snickers around class before the bell rang.

Himeko: "That's it for today be sure to study more as we go along, the Promotional Exams are right around the corner after all."

Onyx: 'Promotional Exams?'

[Answer: the exam given to Valkyries to boost their rank higher. They are made up of two written exams and a practical.]

Onyx: 'Ah right the important ones...'

He began to pack up his notes before getting up to leave not seeing Kiana further glare at him.


Onyx had moved on to the shooting range in his battlesuit and his weapon sheathed at his side. He's a close ranged combatant sure but he still had long ranged attacks and decided some target practice wouldn't hurt him. So he raised an arm making three consecutive Honkai Thorns and brought his hand down signalling them to shoot forward towards the targets.

The first Thorn had hit a bullseye on it's target, the second had hit as well though not a bullseye. However the final one had barely missed. Seeing this Onyx clicked his teeth at the results and scratched the back of his head.

[Observation: Target practice is needed expeditiously. Master is a useless aim.]

The last part made a nerve pop on his head.

Onyx: 'Oh haha.'

He set up the targets once more before beginning to shoot three per time, over the next hour he observed his aim of the other thorns improved. Then a thought occurred as to how come he could fire three at a time.

[Answer: Due to consecutive practice of the Honkai Thorn your subconscious now creates an additional two at base power.]

Onyx: 'So I assume it'll increase as time goes on?'

[Confirmation: Correct.]

Onyx: "I'll cover the sky with them one day."

Bronya: "Cover the sky with what?"

Onyx: "Oh my Honkai Thorn- Wait where'd you come from?!"

He jumped back at the short girls sudden appearance while she kept her blank look. However something told him that she enjoyed the reaction he gave which was correct. She made a mental note to sneak up on him more often.

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