Eruption 10 - Team 5

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3rd Person Pov

Onyx: "Ah!"

The teen yelped at the pain in his body as he regained consciousness since he immediately sat up afterwards. 

[Warning: Sudden movements will result in pain.]

Onyx: 'No shi-'


Onyx: 'I meaaaaan, thank you so much for letting me know my dear Seshat.'

[Advice: Do not activate the constant Body Reinforcement till stated otherwise.]

Onyx sighed at the small altercation between himself and his ability, he found it really useful but he was always confused at the slight personality it had. He rolled his shoulder slightly while his whole body was still numb from how exerted it was this early on in the day. Looking around he realised that he was in the infirmary wing with the curtain around his bed area and deduced he had lost consciousness. The boy looked to the side and moved his legs in an attempt to get himself up.

Fu Hua: "I don't think it'd be smart of you to move while you are being treated."

Onyx looked over to see that the Class President was standing by the curtains with the same stoic face as she pushed up her glasses. The boy looked her up and down seemingly checking her out.

Onyx: "Well helloooo Nurse~"

Fu Hua face had no change in expression or response making it a now awkward silence.

Fu Hua: "If you have the energy to check me out then I guess you're doing fine."

Onyx: "Hehehe..."

He scratched the back of his head and once more attempted to get up only for the spectacled girl to push him down onto his back.

Onyx: "Prez? I didn't think you'd go for such an aggressive approach. Be gentle, it's my first."

Fu Hua: "If you're joking around so much I guess you're good to go. Though you only did have surface injuries, just what are you made of."

Onyx just chuckled a bit and proceeded to get up after a quick examination from the flat chested glasses girl. He then made his way through the school halls but noticed something was amiss, all the students he came across seemed to make way for him while harbouring admiration or something else. Though the teen misread it as them being fearful or distrusting of him after the way he literally man handled the Kaslana girl. Paying them no mind he continued to head to his dorm with a thought occurring as he approached closer to the target building.

Onyx: "How come Kiana wasn't in the infirmary?"

Shrugging it off he arrived at his current residence then patted over himself to find the key which was in his right back pocket. He walked in as he unlocked the door then closed it behind him.

Onyx: "I'm back ladies!"

The sound of footsteps began to increase until Bronya came to view who immediately latched herself to the boy. While he was used to it he was certainly surprised at the suddenness of the situation, it reminded him of when he'd get back to the child home from a fight and his sister did the same. So his brotherly instinct kicked in and started rubbing her head while reassuring the small girl he was fine.

Bronya: "Is the Subject Onyx sure?"

Onyx: "'Tis but a flesh wound lil girl."

Bronya: "Refrain from calling the Bronya "lil girl" in future."

Onyx began sweating at how dead she sounded, more so than usual for her which is what worried him. Then Bronya realised something and suddenly began to pull the boy along by the hand, floating this time. Deciding not to question her he silently followed to the living room where Mei and a patched up Kiana next to her, the two girls looked over to their other teammates specifically the taller boy. A silence ensued from there on before Onyx sighed internally.

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