Chapter 8: Random Stranger

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Jesse was stifling her laughter as she walked to her sister and took her books.
"What the hell was that Tess?"

"How long had you been standing there?"

"Long enough to see how smitten you were by Aimee's father", she gagged when she mentioned Aimee's name.

"No", Tessara's lie was as obvious as her red face, "I wasn't. Stop making up things."

"Am I? Really?" Jesse turned and walked back up the stairs.

Tessara sighed, her arms crossed against her chest.

Jesse stopped on the staircase and turned again to her, "can I give you some advice sister? That guy is bad news. I know he has good looks and all but don't get carried away by any of that if you don't want your life suddenly falling apart in pieces. And I'm very certain that you, my sweet, dear, big sister are not his type."

Tessara said nothing. She walked back to her study, ignoring Jesse.
The truth was that she knew her sister was right and it hurt her.

She found herself crouching behind the closed door of her study and holding her head in her hands.

Couldn't she just gawk at a man without things going wrong?

Desperation was killing her, she wouldn't wish this kind of feeling on anyone, it was pure agony.

One thing she was sure of was that she was tired of her own stupid rules and principles. They had gotten her nowhere!

She had made a promise to herself never to bed a man without saying 'I do'. She wanted to be the different one but now she felt different could be wrong and not all promises could be kept.
She had turned into a fucking old-fashioned prude and a hopeless romantic who was so dedicated to her work.

But no, right now, she badly needed a man, any man who was ready for a relationship, whatever the terms.
She needed someone to hold her, to kiss her, to tell her how much she was loved and this time she was ready to go all the way.

Whenever she thought about Mira's wedding, her heart bled.
Tessara had just turned 39 and the year was gradually running out. She dreaded her fortieth birthday like an impending doom.

No child ... Aging... Menopause... Wrinkles... No family of her own... No chance at love ever!

She thought of the club she planned to go to with her sister. A part of her was wishing she had done something like that earlier.
A place where she could meet men. Men of different sizes, shapes, and types.
She was going to lose herself tonight if she could find someone that would stick with her forever.

Oh, fuck it! What could possibly go wrong?


Tessara's dress glistened as she walked into the club with Jesse.
She was wearing a glittery sleeveless purple dress that barely reached the top of her thighs, her curves hugging to the thin leather fabric.
Tessara was keen on flaunting her flawless skin and the way she was flipping her wavy brown hair from side to side, showed that she was down for business.
She had glitter all over her face and her Louboutins made her appear slightly taller.

Jesse was dressed in a black sequin tube dress with pointy heels and her hair was curled into ringlets.
She had been surprised at her sister's choice of clothes given that Tessara didn't like the idea of going to the club in the first place but yunno, people change.

The place was big and exciting.
Strobe pulses and heavy metal music boomed from the speakers, it was deafening but thrilling.
Teal fluorescence lights lined the ceiling with booths and cocktail tables scattered around the edge of the dance floor where there was a handful of people with neon lights twisting, bending, and flexing party muscles; the DJ, some dude with long dreads seemed like he was going crazy with all his gesticulations.
The bar at the back of the club was swarming with half-drunk partygoers.

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