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How It All Began

Third person pov

Three girls could be seen running around a giant building from someone who was chasing them just for fun. Laughter broke out as the three girls ran inside the building and away from the doors to hide in some classrooms.

One went her separate ways from the other two and continued running, dodging students walking in the hallways here and there as she looked back to see no one chasing her. She stopped and was about to sit down and take a breather, until she heard what sounded like a woman chuckling.

"Auntie Midnight!?" the tan skinned blonde haired blue-eyed little girl exclaimed in shock as she turned her gaze to look at her aunt, who had long dark purple hair and sky blue eyes.

"Running away from someone, sweetie?" the dark purple-haired woman chuckled as she looked at her niece with a hint of laughter dancing in her eyes.

"Ah... um... n-no!" the little girl stuttered out as she inched her way around her aunt, but let out a surprised yelp when she felt something wrap around and suspend her in the air.

"Aw, come on, Uncle Shota! That's not fair~! You always have your scarf on you, ya lazy bum." Midnight let out a laugh at her niece's choice of wording.

Shota Aizawa, the blonde's uncle, looked at his niece with a smirk as he walked off while holding her in one arm and she struggled to get out of his scarf with a plea, "Auntie, save me!"

Midnight chuckled and decided to join him as he walked down the hallway to where two other people stood; one of them is an extremely tall and very muscular man, whose costume design resembles a generic American comic book superhero. His hair spikes on top of his head and his whole body has more shadows than any other person regardless of the time of day, furthering his stylized appearance, while another male had blond hair spiked upwards in a large tuft behind his head, and a small brown mustache. He has rectangular eyes with concentric greenish-yellow pupils, and he is almost always seen with a large smile on his face.

"Sorry, girls. Auntie Shota caught me," the blonde copy of the very tall male pouted as she turned her head to the side, putting emphasis on 'auntie'. Midnight tried stifling her laughter, but the two blond males started cracking up at what their niece/daughter said. Shota's eye twitched as he looked at the laughing males with a glare.

"Auntie Shota-" the short male laughed out loud as he fell back. A purple haired little girl sighed and facepalmed at the man's actions.

"Daddy, when are you going to stop being childish?" she asked, which made the male almost get a whiplash as he sat up and stared at his daughter with an open mouth.

"I am not childish!" he exclaimed and pouted as he crossed his arms, turning his body away from the laughing children and dark purple-haired woman.

"Sure, and I'm not an exact copy of Mother." the child rolled her eyes as her father turned to look at her with a sad small smile.

"You remind me so much of her," he said sadly as he stood up and dusted off his clothes.

The long blonde haired girl stared at her father, only to see he was looking at her with a giant smile on his face at seeing his little girl.

"Hey. I'm here to pick up Nova," a man's voice interrupted the laughing family, and they all turned their gaze to see a man of average height with a slim and narrow build. He has pointed out that his back muscles are not broad enough. He has feathery ash blonde hair swept messily backward with some of the front tufts sticking up in arcs above his head, notably thick eyelashes, and some faint stubble on his chin. eyes are gold-brown and rather triangular in shape, with two little black triangles just below his tear ducts, making his eyes somewhat resemble those of a bird. The marks around his eyes are natural, since he already had them as a child. His Quirk grants him a set of large bright red wings with feathers that gradually lengthen the further down they go.

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