Chapter 5

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Third person pov

It has been a few weeks since the exams, and Miyako was at home writing to her dragon friends. She had been telling them all about the exams and how the tests were too easy since she had been told she was smarter than any average teenagers her age. She had been wanting to be tested for her brains, not just her strength. She needed to look into the exams more closely and see if she could have everyone retake the exams since she thinks the school was just picking everyone they thought would be 'good' heroes, but in reality, they would just fuck everything up later on in life.

She thinks the school was going too easy on people.

She wanted to see who was in charge and see if they could have everyone take the exams again so everyone has a chance at being Pro Heroes, or at least somewhere near that line.

She doubted anyone would listen, or even read the words she would write about the exams being too easy. It was like as if the top hero school suddenly became a top joke since her, Nova and Michiko's eight year disappearances. She wasn't sure if she wanted to stay in this world, though it is her home dimension, but her real home was back with her kids, her mate Haku.

Her family.

She missed hearing her children's light banter.

She missed having Mira's delicious food.

She missed hearing Sting complain about paperwork.

She missed seeing Rogue try to get Sting to do the paperwork instead of goofing off all the time.

She missed everything about Magnolia.

She sighed as she wrote a reply to Halo's question about the exams.

Miyako's pov

"The exams were too easy as always. It's like as if they're waiting for a bad guy to suddenly join and take control of the whole building from the inside," I wrote.

"I fear that might happen someday if they don't shape up their jobs and focus on what they need to do," commented Halo.

I had to agree with him on that. It wasn't like this back then.

But now?

There's going to be trouble if the school doesn't shape up and make the tests harder, and I'm not going to stop it this time. I forgot what a Legendary Pro Hero is even supposed to do.

I still wonder why my best friends and I were kidnapped back then, but it's not like we can just ask them because, well, they're dead.

Sometimes life throws challenges, and we didn't know what to do back then.

Now the three of us are more powerful than anyone. But we don't like bragging about it.

That'll just make people think we're superior or something. We all like to be treated as equals to other people.

I suddenly realized how quiet it was and looked up when the TV started showing a video about two people arguing over something that seemed a little weird for me.

I turned it off and decided to lay down on the couch and my pen disappeared as I held my diary close.

I felt tired, despite not doing anything, and decided to take a short nap.

Before I knew it, my eyelids felt heavy and my eyes closed.

I guess not sleeping enough for the past few years since going after so many Dark Guilds was starting to catch up to me.

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