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       Azarons were known as an isolated yet stable kingdom. It is one of the two strongest kingdoms dominating the entire realm. Its great wall is so strong whether it is in water or land no one can enter and exit without permission from the royal blood. Inside Azarons everything is available... all you need is in there so you don't have any reason to go out of the kingdom... no violence is allowed in Azarons only intruders were punished to death depending upon the reason of intrusion. This kingdom opens for visitation from other kingdom only twice a year within the span of seven days. The guards were so tight and expert in their fields and they also show no mercy to every rule violator visitor that's why Azarons is still in the best control for so long years...

       Princess Miyaka, the prettiest, youngest and the best archer in their kingdom, no one can defeat her even their best warrior; she is adored and idolized by their isolated kingdom. The King and Queen favors her so much but her three sisters never felt envy about it instead they were so proud of her and they love their sweet little sister with all their heart. The only problem is that this princess never like any of bachelors in the kingdom... her father even go down to every farmers, palace guard's but all of them were afraid of her. They thought that aside from being the most beautiful princess, she is also smart, cunning, witty and short tempered. And most of all she's so dangerous when mad although its seldom to happen because she is so kind and sweet but still its unforgettable if you will witness her dark side ... she has a lion and tiger fighting along her who would dare to marry such independent and fierce princess??? And that's the problem that's why the king and queen suggested sending her out and find her destined someone out there, they were not worried about her because they know that she will survive and never allows any humiliation. And the Princess is not against it. Instead she's so thrilled and excited to explore out of the kingdom she even jump off over the wall above the cliff at the back portion of the palace who gives almost heart attack of her sisters watching her fall into the strong current water.

      In the water when the current is so fast she lost her bow and arrow. She saw a log and hold unto it until she lost her consciousness out of exhaustion and hunger it's been five days since she's soak in the water she even falls almost hundred times from big and small waterfalls. Her things were lost along the way the only thing she had in her was her gold coins. Her sister made sure that whatever situation the gold coins will never lose from her grasp, the coin purse was being tied from her pocket to keep it from falling or be thrown away.

       When she gain consciousness, she's in a boat full of bandits and she was tied and hang up with another three women, I thinks it's a warrior women because the way they looks it's like they came from a battle field...

     "Ohh.. darling... you woke up at last..." her eyes met the ugly face of a fat man with gray beard almost covered half of his face, he's holding a sharp knife... and she can't stop herself from laughing so hard because of his ugliness... then the three girls start laughing too and it makes the old man so mad... he slap her "Slaaaap!!!"

Because of the impact She felt like there's a liquid running down from her nose and she's pretty sure its blood.... And she began to heat up...she's mad... she really wanted to kill this man right now but she can't move her arms because her hand was tied so tight. "Damn!" she cursed while trying to free herself from the rope around her body... Seconds later an arrow landed on the man's throat which made her eyes widen in surprise, when she looks around.. Everything was in chaos now; another group of armed people attack the ship and then freed the girls with her... but what about her?? Are these men heartless enough to leave her in this miserable situation------

"Come with us!" said the girl with curly hair and tanned skin then she untie her hand and feet then drag her out of the ship to another ship... "T-thank you..." she uttered in relief she can't imagine herself being left there alone and die without any justice.. she can't die because she needs to go back home with the man she chooses to marry... but the question is... how is she going to find a man??? That is suitable in her character as a woman??? Maybe she will just think about it later when she recovers her strength.... as of now she will follow this girl that drag her... she smiled at her then she grab her hand again until they reach the big ship... but everything around her faded and it seems that all the things around the ship were swirling and before she falls to faint a strong hand grab her small waist and she landed on a broad hard shoulder then its dark all over she can't even hear anything and lost her consciousness in the dark....

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