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       Days... weeks... months... had passed and she likes being in the Battle players ... she is always with Diana and doing everything she asked... but she's not bored with her as a company, she's talkative, smart and free spirited warrior... Diana doesn't care about the other pawns around her... She is also aware that the battle Lord or Master as they called him....  always has an eye on her at everything she does with Diana... it seems that his observing her every move... and it felt like he hate her or maybe not... he's still cold, and he even scold her in every tiny mistakes she committed even if Diana defended her... his still not kind to her... just like now she accidentally spill the drinks in her glass because someone kick the table pillar below and she's pretty sure its Aurora again because every mistakes or accidents occur to her these several days, it's her who caused it but since she's Leonard's favorite then it will always be her fault in the end even if she will try to explain her side that's why she just swallow her anger and keep her mouth shut then use her right ear to listen the mockery and send them away through her left ear... hmp!!!!

        "If you can't drink properly in that glass, its better if you don't drink" the cold devil master again preach her spilled drinks on her table but she just rolled her eyes to him it's been several times since he keeps on tracing her flaws, taunting her ability's and looking down on her... aside from his eyes that were always set on her... his day will not be completed if he can't talk to her like this, she heard Aurora giggle that's why she left the table she saw Diana's worried eyes, when she passed in front of her she just smiled at her, she can handle her anger now compared last time and she can avoid trouble now with Leonard because talking nonsense like this every day with him is just a normal day to her... maybe her day will not be completed too if she will miss his scolding.... She also avoided the battle crew because she's not fun of making friends first, she's the one being approached to become friend not the other way around, everybody there in the ship assumed that she's fragile and weak even if she's smart and wise.... at first she's afraid when Leonard is always keeping an eye on her. Because she knows that He don't like her and he doubted her he still believed that she's a spy from other clan of battlers, so even if she will become a supper woman in front of the group now it will never change his mind, it will just arouse his suspicion and never think of her as an alliance in his team that's why she never made an effort to be recognized as a warrior pawn even if she really like it so much, she love to go to war with them and refreshed her warrior skills when she's in her kingdom... but now, she will just be a fragile Miyaka with a beautiful face and irresistible charm that can enchant every normal and healthy man onboard and in every port or places they traveled.

        And because of that charm she had, Diana always keep and accompany her wherever she goes, because she was once experience an abduct attempt in one of the kingdom they have helped... Thanks to their not normal evil master who killed the crazy prince first, before it can lay a finger on her skin... starting that day... she never talks back to the master no matter how much he provoked her like now... because in the depth of her heart she felt thankful of saving her.... She also saw the emptiness, loneliness in his eyes and aside from the fact that its cold it's also sad and bitter.

       "Huh! Sad and bitter my ass! I don't care!!!" out of anger she utter with frustration... even if how exhausted she is on him, she still can't hate him now because there were many instances that he saves her, especially when she almost fall from the cliff because of that herbal plant she wanted, its him that catches her like lightning flash falling from above and grasp her hand, and also when Aurora pushed her out of the ship under the strong thunderstorm and outraging giant waves, she thought it was her end...but its him that holds her body tight and never let her go in the outraging water until the storm calm down and they swim back to the ship after two nights and how can she hate him??? he even seems adorable to her... opps! No! no! not a good idea.... But despite of his heroic deed to her he never spoke to her nicely even if she said thank you... he always hates her, mocked her and looking down on her at all the times... of all men that she meets along the way her master is the most abnormal one or maybe he's not really a man because her charm is at 0.00 flat rate in him.... at first she thinks of him as an attractive human being who have the ability to makes her heart flutter but she changes her mind because his abnormal, normal men always adore her like what happen to the male on boards in the ship, although they don't tell it right on her face but she can felt it with their gaze, they became nice to her now but not so close because Diana never give them a chance and she also don't like any of men in there... Maybe her master is an alien, a warrior alien from the other planet... Gggrrrrrr... "Hey, are you mad because he don't like you as a girl?" she shiver when her brain ask that terrible question... "Are you crazy??? And why would I be angry because of that???, he never like girls!!! And besides I don't like him even if he's a very good warrior in the battle field! His not a king his just a battle lord, I need to marry a king and come back to Azarons and tell my father about my story...hmp!" her teeth were clinched by the thought of it.... How dare her inner self ask that??? Wait! Am I in my normal state now? Or is this because of my suppressed anger??? Damn! What a waste of time... in this invaluable thought's....

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