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       They were late when they came in the village... many villagers were dead and the scene in front of her squeezed her heart more when she saw women and children lying on the ground bathed with their own blood.... She grasp her bow so hard to control her tears from falling but its too late... they slowly roll down she went into battles but not like this... they battle for territories not for fun... women and children will become slave as a sanction for the losing party but how come this happen... the world out from Azarons were really cruel as they describe it... she never believes it but seeing it now.... Poor thing....her tears now is unstoppable... her eyes were locked at the mother who was pinned at the door by a sword and the baby she was holding were dead also... her shoulder shakes she sobs... how painful she felt... how pity they are...

"M-miyaka-----" Diana touch her shoulder but she can't stop crying.... She felt like her heart is at flame right now and she wanted to kill every last man of those bandits that harm these women and children and other innocent people....

"How... dare they harm these women and children???"

Diana was dazed she never heard her voice as cold and sharp as now.... All of them were surprised when she cried about what she saw... it seems that Miyaka never saw violence... that's why she behave like a sweet innocent young girl and so cheerful.... She felt guilty now suggesting Leonard to bring her in battles... because it's her first time seeing her so sad and broken....

"I shouldn't have brought you here"  some of part of his heart aches seeing Miyaka cried.. all of them stop and just listen to her sobbing right now... no one dares to move... it seems that their heart that hardened and become numb for so long starts beating now because of this girl... her cry strikes all of them who's there to kill!!! And he regretted that he brought her here and allows her to witness this unpleasant death of victims...

"How could they do this to women and children??? Are they monsters?" his heart skip a bit for a while, he just stared at her... her eyes were blazing with anger and vengeance... no one can answer her question....all of them were staring at her.... And he knows what they are thinking.... She has that killer eyes and they know what it meant to have those eyes!!! It means that this girl is something and not just an ordinary woman...

"Miyaka you come down! Now that were here we will kill them all... "He wanted to console her but he doesn't know how.... He never felt strange for a girl before not even Layla so what should he tell her to let her relax.... She looks so angry and----- he stops his thought when he heard approaching horses... his men quickly scattered and find their positions for combat....

"So here they are???" he just nod at her when she ask again his busy calculating how many men were approaching because he knew every capability of his men so by just looking at it he will already identify if they will win the battle or not—

" Diana bring Miyaka for safety" he ordered Diana because he's pretty sure that he can't focus on fighting if Miyaka's safety is at risk and not assure... he doesn't care of what will other pawns think about his concern with the girl he will just deal it later but for now it's time for war...

"No!... I will fight also-----"

"Don't be such a hard headed brat Miyaka! Go!" this girl is really getting into his nerves! His voice sounds like roar and frightened her and the rest of the pawns but he doesn't care his mad at the same time worried it's his first time raising his tune in a battle... so everybody was tense.... He saw Diana pulling Miyaka away from his sight... then he took a deep breath.... "We will win this battle... make sure that you're not harm seriously...they're not that skilled enough to match your fighting techniques" that was based on his observation when he saw them coming.... His pawns release their tensions then begin to engage....

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