Chapter 5

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A/N: Guys guys guys guys guys guys guys, thank you  thank you thank you thank you thank you for the 200 reads! I know some of you may be laughing cuz that is a tiny number, but for me, I'm grateful for each read I get, so THANK YOU! 


I woke up the next morning to my phone beeping beside my bed. I picked it up and saw that I had 14 missed calls and 37 texts, all from Penny. I sprang up immediately and sat upright, I had completely forgoten to text her about last night and she was probably expecting me to. I read some of her recent texts.

From: Penny

Srsly the whole office is buzzing CALL MEEEE

Another read,

From: Penny

U forgot to tell me u met w/ HARRY FREAKIN STYLES!

There were so many more like those so I quickly texted her to come over so I could explain everything. 

To: Penny

I'll explain everything, just come over

No more than 5 seconds later, my phone beeped.

From: Penny

I'll be there in 15

Sighing, I put my phone down and slipped on a large shirt while downing 3 cups of coffee until the doorbell rang. 

I knew to brace myself (from experience), and I was right because just as I opened the door, Penny said, "Tell. Me. Everything." She didn't give me a chance to reply before she grabbed my hand and pulled me to my couch, plopping me down next to her. 

"Spill. Now." She gave me a stern look, which I guess I kinda deserved. When I met 5sos, she was the first one I told and we squealed together. So why was this time so different? I realized I couldn't answer that question and before I over thought it, I turned my attention to my best friend.  

"Ok, calm down." I drew a long breath and prepared myself for letting everything out.

"Remember the two friends that Calum brought to the party?" I asked. Penny nodded her head vigorously and leaned forward as if I was unveiling to her my secretive superpowers or something.

"Well...they were Niall and Harry from One Direction." I paused and waited for shrill screaming, but heard nothing. Surprised, and somewhat dissappointed from her not-so-dramatic reaction as I was expecting, I looked up and saw Penny with confusion flash in her eyes .

"I knew they were at the party, and Calum bringing them there makes sense, but, what was Harry Styles doing in your office last night?" 

I raised my hands telling her to hold on. "I'm getting to that."  

I explained how Harry and I first met at the party and I could tell she was getting restless because of all the suspense I was building (What, It was the perfect opportunity). 

"So, he tripped over your dress, knocked you down to the ground with him, and spilled his drink on your face?" Penny asked.

"Pretty much, yeah." I shrugged my shoulders, it sounded pretty extreme now that I said it out loud.

"Wow, talk about first impressions..."

"I'm still waiting for how this ties into Harry demanding to see you last night." Penny said as she rolled her hands, gesturing for me to proceed.

"He was not demanding to see me, who the hell told you that?" 

"Well that's what the office is saying."

I  buried my face in my hands and groaned, how was I gonna go to live this down? 

"Well, that's not how it went." I scowled and folded my arms across my chest.

"How did it go then? Maybe I can adjust the rumors." She gave a very non-subtle, suggestive wink and smiled at me.

"You know how I was supposed to pick the editor who goes on tour with them?" 


"I was going to pick you, I had it all planned out, really. Until that devil came in all smug and eveythin-"

"OMG, you were!...Wait, what do you mean 'were'?"

"Like I was saying, I was going to pick you until he came in and basically blackmailed me and said, and I quote,  'Tell Rob you pick yourself or end up loosing us as a customer.'"  The more I talked about it, the more riled up I got and instinctively mocked Harry's accent .

Besides me, Penny began bouncing up and down on the couch in what I assumed What could she possibly be joyous about?

"Ohmygod!! That's so hot!" She dramatically sighed as she looked into the distance, letting her hormones speak for her. "Did you two end up making out?" 

 I made a disgusted face, "Are you out of your mind, what the freak is so hot about that!? It's absolutely unprofessional of him and it made me SO angry. How could you find that remotely entertaining?"

"And of course NOT, would you let me finish woman!" I put my hands on my hips and demanded her attention.

"OMG, did you melt right then and there? I know I would have." She was about to open her mouth to speak again, when she saw the death glare I was giving her and immediately closed it.

"After I clearly said no, he tricked me into making some stupid bet, which I will definitely get him back for, that if he convinced Rob, then I would owe him." 

"How did he trick you though, I mean it's not easy to trick you, what's his secret?" Penny sat with eager eyes. 

"I'll tell you how..." Before I finished my sentence, I realized how embarrassing it would be to admit he might have seduce-distracted me, if that's a thing, into placing the bet. Or even the fact that the bet might have been all me, but he agreed to it, knowing he was gonna win, so I still blamed him. 

"I don't know, but he tricked me!" I pointed a finger in the air, and probably looked like a mad scientist because Penny raised an eyebrow at me: she'd probably raise two if she could.

"Don't you think your overreacting a little? I mean, what's so bad about owing a hot guy, a British hot guy for that matter." 

"I am not having this conversation right now, I explained everything so we can move off the topic of Harry."

As I was standing up, Penny yanked me back down. "I don't think so, you're not just gonna cut off there at the most exciting part. I want details up until he walks his ass out of your office." She said with a demanding look on her face.

"Nothing happened after that, really, he just left and I still have to talk to Rob about his little decision." 

"So, your gonna be the one who goes on tour with tall, dark and handsome? That is so not fair, although you can keep him, I've got my eyes on the blonde one." 

"He's not that tall..." I mumbled under my breath. "And don't worry about me 'keeping' him, that won't ever happen."  I emphasized the word ever to prove my point.


A/N: Really short chapter, I know guys, but my mood has been in the dumps lately with Zayn leaving and all. I mean, I support him and I'm happy that he's happy, but it still hurtssss. It's really funny too, cuz I started writing this chapter before he left and with a huge smile, and now I'm finishing it with such glum face and I hate feeling so negative. But ughhh, we'll get through this, I know we will. 

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