Chapter 7: A very eventful day

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A/N: Thank You to @Dordore for making the amazing cover above :)


It's been half an hour since the meeting has ended and I was gathering my coat and things as I got ready to leave. Collecting my thoughts, I had concluded two things; That going on a 3 month tour which was practically a paid vacation didn't sound so bad, and that Harry had some sides to him that I surprisingly enjoyed.

Taking quick steps, I exited my office and headed over to where Penny's cubicle was. Resting my shoulder on the cubicle wall, I poked Penny from behind, causing her to jump up in surprise. Fortunately, she didn't have anything in her hands, so there was nothing to clean up. She turned around and glared at me, popping out her hip.

"That's getting real old, Carter."

"Not to me." I said as I poked my tongue out at her.

"Anyways, are we eating out?" I asked.

"Hell yes, I need something something good to eat while you dish out your juicy story." Penny said while rubbing her hands together.

"Bye the way, you do have a juicy story, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I guess I do."

"Alright, let's go then. We're burning daylight." Penny grabbed my wrist and we both walked out of the calm building and into the jungle like chaos of New York streets during lunch hour.

We both decided on this new Chinese place that had just opened up, it only being a couple of blocks away and received great reviews so far. We were shown to our tables and settled down while scanning the menu, deciding on what we wanted.

Resting her folded hands on the table, which was ornate with beautiful white flowers that were occupying china vases, Penny looked at me expectantly.

"So...I'm dying to know what happened in there. You've been smiling more since this morning." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at me, something she seems to do a lot.

"It was magical, we made out, right there in front of everyone, and just...uh, sparks!" I raised my hand and laid it on my chest, sighing dreamily.

"Ok, you don't have to make fun of my enthusiasm for you." She mumbled.

"How can I pass up the opportunity." I said, while shrugging.

"So, what really happened, and don't leave out any details!"

"Well, we were about to start the meeting, after introductions, when Elliott walks in. I was not expecting that so guess my shock when I found out that he's going on the tour too." Penny is listening intently as our food arrives and she takes the opportunity to intervene.

"I saw him leaving Rob's office too, he was probably convincing him, he's good at it too. But that's not a bad thing right, that he's coming?" She asked.

"It would be, but me and him kind of got into a little fight the day Harry left my office. He was acting like an overprotective brother, so I called him out."

"Woah, that's heavy..."

"Man, this stuff is so good!" She moaned as she took another bite, a look of bliss taking over her face.

"Now is not the time for 'Back to the Future' references, and pay attention. Do you wanna hear the whole story or not?" I asked her.

"Woah, Doc, there is always time for a 'Back to the Future' reference." She defended as I glared at her impatiently.

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