Chapter 10

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A/N: Another time skip. Am just going to skip to where Naruto arrives at his destination.

Time Skip: 3 months

"Wake up." Kuruma yelled trying to wake Naruto up from his sleep, to tell him the great news. But Naruto wouldn't budge still busy sleeping.  Kuruma  suddenly got an Idea grinning, He went to the bathroom, grabbed a bucket and filled it with freezing cold water.

Kuruma went back to Naruto's room and dumped the whole water on him. "AHHHHHHHHHH" Naruto shrieked as jumped up to the air,  landing harshly on the floor. Naruto got up and glared at Kuruma who was rolling on the floor in laughter.

"Oi, what did you do that for?" Naruto yelled out pouting.

"Well I was trying to wake you up, but you wouldn't wake up. So I decided to prank you."  Naruto grumbled. "Anyway. You might want to start getting dressed and start packing all your things." Kuruma said grinning.

Naruto looked at Kuruma and his clones confused. "What's going on is something wrong?" Naruto asked panicking making his clones slap their foreheads.

"No boss, where an hour away from our destination boss. We made it!" Naruto's clone said grinning, making Naruto's eyes widen.

He quickly put his clothes on and ran outside to the front of the deck and sure enough he could sense that he was close to land adding chakra to his eyes, he could see some buildings, already. They were tall.

"I already packed up for you Naruto. Just pack your things. We eat once we get to the airport." Kuruma said leaving the room. Naruto grabbed his things which was neatly arrange in a bag.

"I also instructed your clones on what to do with the boat. They will dispel their selves once done. " Kuruma explained. Naruto summoned a dragon named Khan and gave him a huge chunk of meat. After the dragon was done eating, Naruto gave the dragon a letter to give to both his uncles. "Let them know that myself and have Kuruma arrived." Naruto said to the dragon "I will, thank you for the food" the dragon said before poofing away.

"ALRIGHT LET'S GO" Naruto yelled pumping his fist into the air. Kuruma chuckle seeing his favorite human happy. He deserved it. After all Naruto did what no other human would have done for him. Which was family, trust and loyalty. He gave him something to protect.

"Let's go Ruto." Kuruma said. The jumped from the ship and landed on the water. They started to run across the water with great speed. It took them about 30 minutes but they finally reached the soil of Japan. The streets were filled with huge building, Naruto couldn't help admire them, there wasn't anyone around or nearby so they don't have to worry about unwanted attention.

They walked through the beach and trees before they got to one of the streets of Japan. "Woah. It's beautiful." Naruto said as he got a better view of this world it felt like a dream. Kuruma chuckled "you haven't seen anything yet Naruto"

"You have your passport Naruto. Your names and mines are already recorded into the system. All we need is our American passport." Kuruma said.

"Here it's right here in my bag." Naruto said. "Good but before we head to the airport we need to find us a clothing store and wear something comfortable that won't draw to much attention cause the next trip will take hours." Kuruma said.

They looked around for a clothing store that was open. After hours of looking they finally found one. They walked in seeing a lady who seemed to work there they walked to her  "Excuse me. Is it okay that we change using one of your changing rooms." Kuruma asked the lady she just nodded her head dazed, never in her life had she seen men this beautiful in her life.

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