Chapter 13

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A/N: Chapters will be updated late. As am trying to complete different chapters for different stories. Any way let me further explain Kuruma situation. Thanks to the shinto gods. Mentally he is 300 years old, physically he is 16, now seventeen in this chapter. So in a way you can say he is a super wise teenager. Only one able to rival him in smartness would be Naruto, Kushina and Minato.

Two Days Later

Naruto's POV: 

Today Dad is taking us shopping, school is starting and unfortunately we have to go it was a requirement in this world. Since Kuruma passed his driving exam he was also getting a car today.

"In this world one of the most important technology is phones, they are used as a way of quick communication with family, friends and loved ones. You both need one, oh and a laptop" Dad explained as we walked into a store where this devices where lined up.

" Hello welcome to Sprint. How may I help you?" The lady behind the desk asked fidgeting and giving a huge smile with red tints on her cheek. " I will like to get a Iphone 6 and 6s for my sons please." Dad said to the lady kindly. The lady was caught by surprise they all looked really young, the blond haired man did not look old enough to be a father yet alone of two teenagers. But she couldn't deny that they were really good looking men.

" The total will $ 850 ." The cashier said handing the phone to us after setting it up, Dad brought out his card and paid for it."This is for you Kuruma. Since your the eldest you get the bigger phone" Dad said handing Kuruma the 6 plus " and this is for you Naruto" Dad said handing Naruto the 6 plus.

"Thank Oto san" We  thanked him I let my hand trail against the phone and it was smooth and had a round button below this is what I saw those boys using " your welcome boys I will teach you how to fully use those when we get home." He said. We continued our shopping buying phone cases which we were told was needed to protect the phone from damage, headphones, an iPad and laptops. We took the bags to his car putting them in the booth.

  Dad took us the place to get food and it was filled with people who took their time to stare at us. "You have to try their food, especially their burgers, fries and milkshake you both will love it" dad said with stars in his eyes. 

"What is that?"

"Burger is meal that puts round flat cooked meat between to bread, they put lettuce, tomatoes, onions and spreading between the breads as well. Fries is potatoes slice into thin bits and fried, milkshake is just drinkable ice cream" Kuruma explained "they're all amazing especially together among the best food in the world other than pizza" it must be really good the way dad was talking about it.

Our number was called and we got up to get our food and went to our seat. The lady who handed us the food tried to flirt with dad and even wrote her contact on a paper. "Don't let your mom find out she will probably hunt the lady and kill her" we nodded in agreement knowing how mom would react.

The food smelt amazing and the milkshake looks like ice cream in a cup I took a taste and my taste buds were filled with such sweetness. It was delicious I drank some more forgetting my food. "This taste better than ice cream in a cup, it's delicious" Kuruma awed chugging his drink, I nodded in agreement drinking mine almost halfway before remembering the food. We ate our food and everything dad said about this food was true they were all delicious and go very well together. Taking a bite from your burger and a bite of your fries then a sip of milkshake was a perfect combo.

"See told you it was delicious now we just have to try pizza next"

Dad took us to get new clothes, shoes and bags for school. From what I heard some of the stores we were going to was expensive they had things that were worth close to a C rank mission in Konoha. Bape, Nike, adidas, Puma, Balenciaga Gucci, Tommi Hilfiger and so on they were really huge stores based on the amount of people there and the prices.

"Now we are going to head to this final place to pick something up before we head home." He said a huge smirk forming on his face and mine as Kuruma smiled like a kid in a candy store. After a thirty minute drive, they arrived at  a luxurious car dealership.

"Woah dad this cars look expensive are you sure they are for me?" Kuruma asked "yes of cause they are for you

"For me. YATTA! Thanks old man and you, thank you little brat" Kurum put his arm around my neck pulling me towards him and ruffling my hair. We got out the car staring at the place in awe at the place packed with luxurious car.

"Alright Kuruma. Your not allowed to get any super fast cars or cars worth a million dollars or more." Minato said, expecting Kuruma to be upset but Kuruma was grinning in happiness making him smile.

"Let me make a deal with the two of you. Kuruma your allowed to get a range rover, dodge challenger,  g wagon or a  corvette. But I will make a deal with you. That if you go to high school, study hard, get good grades and do really well in high school basketball, also graduating to college. I will buy you a Lamboghini. Same goes with you Naruto. If you do the same things as Kuruma. On your sixteenth birthday I will buy a i8. Deal!" Minato said smirking with a challenging look at his kids. Who all had determination written all over their face.

"You got it, Old man!" I said said grinning liking the challenge.

"Heck yeah. You got yourself a deal pops." Kuruma grinned.

"Alright go look around and let me know when you find something you like." Minato said. I followed Kuruma while dad staid back talking to who I guess was the dealer. 

" Ruto come look at this!" Kuruma called, I stopped looking at the beautiful matte black Lambo to go see what my brother wanted to show me. Getting to where he was at I saw him staring at a orange G wagon. It looked like it was made for Kuruma.

 It looked like it was made for Kuruma

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"Kuruma nii san this is amazing." I gushed. "I know right. Now let's go tell dad." Kuruma said. "No, stay here. You never know who else might have their eyes on this car. I will go call dad." I told Kuruma speed walking to where dad was, grabbing his hands and dragging him to where Kuruma was. Without saying a word.

" Slow down Naruto. You might pull my arms off." Dad said, before pausing looking at the jeep in front of him and Kuruma.

"Is this what you want son? It suits you and orange is your favorite color too. Now let go pay for it." Dad called the dealer over paid for it cash. The car cost $120,000 did not even notice dad had such amount of money with him. We staid there for some time filling paper works.

Chapter End



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