Chapter 1

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In the mist of Two gigantic statues of two boys stood. One on top of Hashirama statue and the other on top of Madara's statue. This boys where Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

"Narutooooo" Sasuke shouted with the Chidori

"Sasukeeee" Naruto shouted with the rasengan.


A huge explosion was created blasting both Sasuke and Naruto. The Uchiha fell unconcious as Naruto got up and picked him up. Despite the huge pain he was feeling or the pain in his chest. With shaky steps, he started the walk to Konoha with a smile on his face. Happy that he fulfilled the promise he made to his crush.

Naruto finally arrives at the gates of Konoha, to see people standing at the gates. They must be waiting for me and Sasuke teme. Even Sakura chan came to welcome us.

"Sakura Chan I...."



Naruto was surprised by this, seeing his crush call him a monster he remembered the times the villagers tortured him and called him a monster. He was quickly pulled out his shock and thoughts when he was punched in the face, making skid back till his back hit the wall.

 He gasped in pain holding his broken jaw, he looked up to see his sensei Kakashi Hatake glaring at him.

"Naruto you useless fool how dare you hurt you teammate like that. Your a scum, in fact a scum is to good of a word to use on you, your trash. I wonder why sandaime sama put you on my team." Kakashi said coldly.

"Kaka, Kakashi sensei I.." Naruto whimpered, making Kakashi furious as he rushed at Naruto got on top of him and started to punch him with full strength ignoring, Naruto's please.

Kakashi punched Naruto in the face, over and over and over. No one bothering to stop, not Tsunade, not Jiraya, Not Iruka, not Ichurka family, not the konoha ten and their sensei. Each of them just staying there enjoying Naruto's pain.

Kakashi decided to stop hitting his disgraced student, no not student he refused to refer to the demon as his student. He wasn't deserving of it. Naruto wounds from Sasuke got worse,  the damaged to his body made him weak as time passed. He could feel himself losing consciousness by the minute. Everything hurts, it all hurts, he could barely breathe he cried wondering why he was repaid this way. All he ever did was be there for them, everyone of them but all he go in return is pain.

Naruto looked up to see his friends and their sensei's "guys please help. Am brutally injured." Instead of getting help, he was kicked in the face by Kiba who screamed "MONSTER. YOU MONSTER. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR TEAMMATE? MY MOM WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOU. THE WORLD IS A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT YOU. GLAD HINATA FINALLY REALIZED AM MORE OF A MAN THAN YOU." Kiba yelled as he kept kicked and stomping on Naruto face and body, as Akamaru bit his leg.

Naruto could only whimper in pain as this was going, he was used to the pain. When the villagers used to torture him. He just couldn't believe his friends or those he thought of as is friends would do this to him.

After Kiba and Akamaru bite, stomped and kicked him. Lee and His sensei went next "Guy Sensei hold him up. And let us beat this unyouthfully demon and cheater with our youth." Rock Lee shouted as Guy screamed a loud yes, before roughly grabbing the already injured Naruto of the ground and held unto him from behind, as Lee started to punch and kick him like he does his taijustu dummy's. Then Tenten went next calling him a monster and tell him that his parents abandoned him because they were disgusted by him and used as a target practice for her weapons. 

By now Naruto was all bloodied up with life threatening injuries and his cloths covered in dirt. After Tenten and Lee, Guy used the rotation moves on Naruto breaking some of the bones in his body. Then after Guy. Neji and Hinata went next.

"Why I loved you I will never know. A monster like you was never worthy of my love or attention. Your a nobody, an orphan, and I hope you rot in the deepest part of hell after today. Kiba and Sasuke are more manlier than you. By the way I slept with Kiba in your house. You should be honored we used your home, you nobody." Hinata said byagakun on blaze as Neji also insulted him while they harshly closed his tenskutsu with the palm finger taijustu. Naruto coughing more and more blood.

Kurenai then place a strong genjustu on Naruto, a justus where he was literally in hell be chased and tortured by monsters, making him scream in agonizing pain. Asuma stabbed him in the stomach making Naruto cough up blood, while punching him the face. He used his knuckles surrounded by wind ninjustus to slice him up, placing huge cuts all over his body. Shino just stabbed him in the stomach sent his bugs to bite him. That was the worst the could do since they could not eat his chakra.

Ino Shika Cho young generation went next, as Shikamaru held Naruto with his Shadow possession justu, also using it to strangle him, as Choji used his super strength to punch him all over his body. Then Ino used mind transfer Justu to mess with his mind but she was ended up collapsing screaming in pain while grabbing her head as she could handle the immense chakra in Naruto's body.

"INO, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER MONSTER?" Shikamaru and Choji yelled at him glaring furiously at him along with the rest of the rookies who finished torturing him. They kicked him a few times before Shikamru picked up Ino and left the other rookies and their sensei's following them. Leaving Naruto to the hands of the villagers, including civilians, council members, clan head and ninjas who wanted a piece of him.

Naruto got tortured and beaten by the civilian, ninjas, council members, clan heads, Konohamaru corps, Iruka and Ichiruka family. Making Naruto heart break, seeing the people he once considered family and wanted to protect torture's him calling him a demon. While telling him they hated him, that he will never be happy, he won't find hope, blaming him for deaths of their loved ones and he was a traitor not Sasuke. As they did this Tsunade and Jiraya just watched not caring.

 After the villagers where done with him. Jiraya called him a failure, an orphan, a nobody and told him he was not worthy to be called his apprentice or to be a toad summoner, which the toad agreed to after calling Naruto a disgusting thing and telling him that he was a weak summoner, who will never amount to anything. Jiraya then removed Naruto's name from the toad summoning contract and told him that he would give the contract to Sasuke as he was more worthy. While promising to teach Sasuke everything he knows. Jiraya punched and kicked Naruto a few good times.

"Uzumaki Naruto. For hurting the last loyal Uchiha of Konoha and killing my son, the yondaime and his wife and also being such an annoyance. You are banished from the village. The anbu will kindly drag you out of the village and dumb you in a trash where you belong, everything that belongs to you which was nothing but trash was destroyed. I will be taking my necklace back, you are not worthy of wearing it. You disgusting thing." Tsunade snatched her necklace from Naruto's head, before she and Shizune beat him up. Crushing his bones. While Shizune stabbed him with deadly poisoned weapons.  Little did Tsunade know that she was going to regret what she did .

Naruto was then dragged out of the village as the villagers cheered and celebrated the demon being gone. Ooh they were so gonna regret it later on and would be begging on their knees to Naruto in the future. The Anbus threw Naruto down a cliff, leaving him there. Not seeing the shadowy figures there.

Who saw how they threw Naruto lets just say they where furious. One of them picked his broken body up carefully bridal style and sped off through the treed to their home.

End Of Chapter

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