Chapter 2 pt. 2

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Lizzie pulled up too her House , which looks More like a Mansion , what could she say her mother Mama Gray is a successful Business woman she is the C.E.O. of  Wells Fargo

Lizzie walked in the house and yelled , " Mama You home ? "

Mama Gray " Yea im in the Bedroom "

Lizzie says, " Ma Camille can still come over right ?"

Mama Gray says , " yea u know as long as i know your friends , they can come over whenever."

Lizzie kisses her mother and ask her , " you need anything specific from the store Ma cause im going to the store after I make a quick trip to the mall?"

Mama Gray said ," yea the list is in the box on your door , i put your mail in there too."

Lizzie rolls her eyes , goes to her room to change clothes . She looked through her mail box got her mail and read the grocery list okayed everything , put the list in her phone . Lizzie checked her weather before she left the house , it was December but 64° outside . i dont understand though, i wore my black Adidas Jumpsuit that everyone loves to wear .

Lizzie phone rings ,

Lizzie:" hello ? "

Tyler: " Sis where u at ? "

Lizzie:" In my driveway , why wassup ?"

Tyler:" Im on my way over there ."

Lizzie:"hurry up cause im finna go bruh ."

Tyler pulls up at the house within a minute . He gets in the car and they go to the mall . Tyler and Lizzie bought both of their moms Mama Gray and Mama Toy a gift and they bought Mama toy a New charm for her bracelet . And they bought them a necklace too. They finished shopping for everyone else in their family and themselves and each other.

Tyler , " what time bae coming over ? "

Lizzie ," who are you talking about ? "

Tyler ," Camille , who else do you think i've been looking at, clearly not anyone else ."

Lizzie ," don't get buck with me boy , im just asking a question but she coming over round 7 for dinner , you coming for dinner or nah?"

Tyler ," kmsl okay okay , i gotcha but yea i'll be over in my room."

Lizzie , Goes in the house to hurry up wrap and drop gifts in their bags . She hides the gifts in a secret compartment in her room . She Finishes her gift wrapping . Lizzie called her mom to ask her " ma you sure this all im going to need to cook dinner?"

Mama Gray , " yea im sure poopoo , and be careful when your driving."

" Lizzie , Mama you know i told you about my nickname  and im always careful."

Lizzie's friends are at the table eating dinner , when the Door Bell rings and its Tyler i was wondering what time he was gonna get here but he's here now and right when we walked into the dining room Camille thought i didnt see her , but her face lit up her little dimple was showing she love my brother . Tyler sat down at the table across from Camille , Tyler , 

" Hey Tee & 'Camille' "

" Hey Ty!"

They finished cleaning up and Everybody went to their rooms to change into their pajamas so they could get ready and go down to the media room and watch a movie . I Heard giggling so i thought they were ready but they werent they was just playing around , im like BRUH ! Camille was already down there with tyler and Tee bestfriend came over to watch a movie with us . My favorite Cousin Tre was already on the way . Door bell rings ,

Tre , " wassup Lizzie "

Lizzie ," Nothing much chillen thats all , come in . "

Tre , " give me a hug its been a minute since i seen you bestfriend."

Lizzie 'gives hugs . ' " what u been up too?"

Tre , " man work , school , ryan , mama ! "

Lizzie , " i feel you on that one tre , come on too the media room "

Camille finds us a movie to watch , then when it finally comes on and its The Purge: Anarchy , Camille is that your favorite movie or nah? Like come on bruh , she watches it 24/7.

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