Chapter 16

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★♕. LIZZIE'S P.O.V. ♕★

" Thanks , Jayceon for a great night with your parents. They are sooo funny. Even though the whole time they were telling me stories about you growing up , how come you didn't tell me that you were in a school play , Romeo and Juliet. My baby was romeo and he didn't tell me. " I said as I playfully slapped his chest. I started to walk for my front door , but Jay grabbed my wrist.

" I didn't tell your fine , beautiful self for a reason. I knew you would laugh at me but since I believe your mad at me , I hope I can win you over with this . " before I could even protest Jay scooped me up off my feet and layed a beautiful kiss on me. 
Saying , "how do you like that , I tried to lay it on you like Romeo did. "

" Jayceon , if you dont put me down , I will hurt you. I have to go get some sleep , I have a new job I have to get done before my week becomes busy. And I believe you have a job too so go home and get some sleep. Or are you staying here? Cause if your going to stay here your going to have to go to sleep , I'm not playing with you. "
I feel like that came off as me being his mother , which I'm not but Jayceon provokes me , when I get upset or have a disagreement with him , I love him a lot and he is just wooh a hot mess.

" well , thanks mom , I'm sure to brush my teeth before bed also and oh no let's not forget to do that before we go to bed. Babe I go to sleep , so what are you talking about , your the one that always wants to play."

" No I'm not ! Are you staying here or going home ? I need to know."
I'm sleepy and I just want to know is here going to stay with me tonight or going home , I really want him to stay. I just dont want him to know that , as I think about it I really do. I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside my house. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and ran upstairs " you took too long to answer babe. So I picked for you . obviously I did well whatever , come up hear.". I said practically yelling.

I was in my Closet changing into my PJs and you know when you get that feeling when someone is staring at you , well I felt Jayceon eyes on me so what I did was gave him something to look at. Which was a hidden can of silly string , my brother hides this stuff in my room.

" I'm so weaaak , you should have seen your face Jay , omg I love it, priceless."

" Shut up , just go to bed already. I dont care anymore , that was messed up. Really it was. "

I think Jayceon was mad at me Hell , he should've never been staring ate I hate the feeling of it.

"So your the one that's mad , well let's just say Jayceon Johnson , I quite frankly dont care , cause you know I hate when I'm being stared at but , its okay you know I love you. I'm sorry for spraying you but stop being such a big baby." I said as I walked out of the closet and went to go brush my teeth.

" But you know Liz , I forgive you and I love you too. Just so you know I'm your big baby right. " he said as he kissed my cheek and that soft spot on my neck , he knows how to tease me , but like my mother always told me , I can have a boyfriend but dont give yourself up if your not ready , I for sure was not ready , and won't be ready to maybe after highschool. I dont know but I'm not doing anything I dont want to do. Yeah , Jayceon and I kissed here and there , we would have an occasional make out session , but it won't lead to nothing more and I'm satisfied with that , cause I dont want to feel any pressure .

" Jay stop I'm trying to brush my teeth here , can't you see. You can kiss me after that , go get ready for bed. Oh yeah , did you take your medicine babe?" I'm always on his toes about it , about 2 months ago , he was in a minor car accident and it affected his back he would have back pains , the doctor gave him a prescription for it and told him to be careful and he couldn't play any sports for at least a month or two. Well he didn't listen and wemt to play some football with his friends , long story shirt they tackled him the wrong way and now it's back hurting again. That stubborn mule doesnt listen , but he is my stubborn mule that I love and try to keep him on track.

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