Chapter 4

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Today is my Favorite holiday besides , my birthday of course, " im very thankful of this day and im very thankful to Celebrate your birthday today jesus ,pray to have a blessed day with my family and friends lord in your name i pray amen !"

No one is up yet except for Mama Gray , preparing things for breakfast and checking her list off on the things she have too cook and take over our Auntie house . i get my Bluetooth neck set ready for my run , i put on my playlist and take off ............

45 mins later ... Drenched in sweat . Lizzie walks in to the smell of Homemade Cinnamon rolls and biscuits the flakey ones !  Even though i just came from a run im not supposed to think about this but, my senses work so im going to use them !

1hr later , everyone is up and ready too open presents , Mom is first to give her gifts out , and we all get excited , Me , Kyle , Tyler , and Makala . i know its more of us from my dad side besides -makala & tyler . The ones that communicate the most to my mom are the same ones here every christmas. 

Its finally time for my moms to open the gifts from us . i love when she opens our gifts because her facial expressions are hilarious.  Mama Gray unwraps Kyle Gifts , 2 Dresses from torrid ,a pair of Shoes .  i got , gift cards , clothes , shoes, a new phone too!  Kyle , toys clothes & shoes , gift cards , and a scooter .  Tyler , gift cards ,shoes, phone case , and a car .  Makala got  clothes & shoes , gift cards , phone . we all got the christmas jordans !


Well i know its short but i edited like twice so please vote thanks........

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