Toxic friendgroup

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I have a medium friend group, and they're all great. We don't usually get into fights, well, exept for the weird fights. Like the ones about who's crush is the best... ANYWAYS-

When we're all hanging out together we're all having fun and no ones sad, angry (exept for the small fights i guess) or anything. But i've noticed that when i'm alone with just a few of them, and one friend is missing, they'll talk bad about that one person. Sometimes when i'm just alone with one of them they'll talk bad about everyone in the group. Like-, i thought y'all were friends.

Why do they talk bad about one of their friends when they're not there?

I'm guessing that when i'm gone they'll probably also talk bad about me, but i don't really care what they say.

Sometimes when one of us has a secret, and they decide to tell us, there's always one of them who disapears and walks over to someone else and then spreads the secret so that now everyone knows it.

Why would they backstab their 'friends'?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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