Redeemable Selves

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Back at the kingdom, the citizens of the Rainbow Kingdom were starting to shiver in the cold.

"Don't worry... help will be back soon..." Iris assured them, though she herself started to shiver.

"MOM!! DAD!!"

They all turned to see Crusher, Blaze, AJ, and Pickle speed towards them with their unicorns.

"My baby! He's all right!" Iris wrapped her arms around him. "We thought that Silla managed to actually get you with her blizzard!"

"Never in a million years. One tap from our wands, and everything will be fine."


They turned in alarm to find Silla, Bruno and Tiilo flying towards them and hovering over them with growls.

"Stay away from the citizens, or you'll burn to ash!" Blaze snarled, flicking his tire.

"Foolish, mortal." Silla huffed and held the tip of her wand towards him. "Your flames don't scare me,"

"Well, what about a fire tornado that'll send you right to the South Pole?" AJ asked with a sneer.

"Make that a fire tornado with sharp thorns!" Pickle snarled.

As the three moved forward to attack, a word of Grammy's suddenly struck Crusher's mind. "Even the coldest heart will thaw when you give them a loving chance."

That's when it hit him.

Saving the kingdom from eternal winter was a job for the wands... but the problem with his enemies?

That was for Crusher himself. By some sort of magic around him, he somehow sensed how awful Silla and Tillo had been treated by their parents in the past, and why Silla cursed him to begin with.

She didn't want another happy family to cause her jealousy.

It finally made sense!

"Blaze, Pickle, AJ, stop!"

"Huh?!" His friends turned to him, confused.

"Let me handle it. Iceheart, can you get me closer to them?"

"You uh... you sure you wanna get closer?" Iceheart gulped.

"I have to be closer to talk to them." Crusher told her.

"O-Okay…" Iceheart nodded and flew up and closer to the witches.

"Silla..." Crusher began. "Did... did you and Tiilo grow up in an abusive home?"

Silla froze, unable to answer. "W-Well... I... yes... we did."

"And that's why you cursed me... cause you were jealous of our happy family... weren't you...?"

"Umm... maybe... after we left home, we... we were on our own... and we still are."

"Well... not anymore," Crusher smiled. "You have me, and my friends."

"Wh-What?" Silla looked confused.

"You may have done horrible things to me and my parents, but I don't hate you. I don't hate Tiilo or Bruno either. If you can find it in your hearts... I'm sure my parents will help you."

"You... think they would?"

Crusher nodded. "I'm sure they would. Come on... trust me."

The trio glanced at each other, unsure.

"I... I think we should trust him, Mother," said Bruno. "I've... always wanted a friend."

"Honestly? So have I," Tiilo nodded

"So... what do you say?" Crusher asked, extending his hand.

"I…" Silla hissed before sighing and lowering her wand. "Okay..."

"Trust me," Crusher assured. "But you'll have to help us unfreeze the kingdom."

"Alright…" Silla nodded.

"On three. One... two... three!"

And at once, all five wands tapped together, creating a sonic force to get rid of the ice and snow all together. All the citizens cheered happily, and Crusher held Silla's hand with a gentle smile.

"So... do you think you'll like being a good guy?"

And, for the first time, Silla actually meant her smile.

"I could get used to it."

Curse Of The Rainbow Prince 2- Return Of The WitchesWhere stories live. Discover now