||How it started~Part 1||

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Before this story starts this is from the video game dayshift at freddy's this won't make sense if you don't play or watch it that's all for now! This isn't a very 'normal' story you'd think of... this is like a different universe I guess.. Oh yeah my name's Jack Kennedy. And I'm literally orange. No really I am! ... don't laugh!! I know it's weird but you'll understand. Hopefully.

Jack's POV

"Employee!!" screamed a person. Who is it? Ah yes, the stupid phone face who's my boss. That's Peter, my boss. He's a literal phone no kidding. He's my boss here at freddy fazbenders. A run down rip off chuck e cheese pizzeria. "You're 5 minutes late! What's your excuse?!" he's screaming in his phone like-voice. The reason why i'm late is because i didn't wanna put up with my boss and the other people here. Especially the children. "I was stuck in traffic." I say. "Well you better be on time next time.. Or i'll- i'll--''''you'll what?" says a familiar voice. "AUBERGINE MAN!!!!!" "KIDDIE STRANGLER V2!!!!" we both scream. "Dave?! You're late as well!!" Peter says.

"No I'm not." Dave says in his new york accent. " I was here before YOU," he says. "I stayed here overnight, idiots." "wha- you-?!" Peter's stuttering. Not good. I look at the purple man. "So what's on your mind today dave?" I ask as I stare behind him, seeing Peter yelling at Matt, the prize corner seller about selling fireworks to minors.

"Nothing much, sportsy- what about you?" He asks. "Same, I'm not planning anything." Silence trembles upon me and Dave. this is..... Awkward. "Uhh-- hey sportsy-?" I look back at Dave face to face with him. "Hm?" I hum, as I feel a bit sleepy- i should've stayed in bed and not go to work. "Do you wanna hang out after we're done with work-? Or something.." I perk up. "Why of course! Anything on your mind of where you wanna go?" I say. " well... I was thinking we could y'know cause some trouble and then grab a bite to eat.. What do you say, old sport?" old sport. Old sport or sportsy is a nickname Dave gave me. I don't know why he calls me that, but he does. Not gonna lie it is a cute nickname. "Yeah sure. Why not?"

Dave's POV

Wow that actually worked. I feel my 'heart' ( I don't have one-) jump around, run all over the place, and do cart wheels. Or at least what I think. "R- really?!" I exclaimed. "O- oh ok!!" I then just randomly run off feeling my face burn up. Oh god, I never thought that would work?! I run down the hall towards the safe room. I lock the door behind me and just sit there as my face becomes more and more bright forming across my face. I'm blushing-

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