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Don't ask about the video- just stare at the beautiful art. Sorry that i didn't make a chapter in like almost an entire year- i forgot 💀


Dave's POV


As I look down to see a tangerine man walking by my side, I look into the bright city lights and tall buildings. Vegas. The place i always wanted to go.. especially with sportsy! And what more fun is that we're heading to a bar! We're probably gonna get so drunk we'll end up in someone's bed tomorrow! Speaking of which, it's a stripper bar. "We get to check out all the gals tonight, sportsy!" I tell the smaller boy. "Well... it sounds interesting." He mumbles. "Sportsy, if you wanna get all the ladies to love ya, you can't mumble or fall over the place, like, ALL the time!" I exclaim. "Hey! i'm not that clumsy." I let out a small giggle as we finally reached the place. It had flashy lights that shined through the sky and a big red door in the front along with bodyguards just in case.

The guards looked at us for a brief second, grunted, and opened the door. "See sportsy, this is the night we get to party! the night we get to have fun where no phone fucks can get in our way!!" We slowly make it towards the main area where it all happens. My eyes have to adjust to the lights that are so bright and the loud booming music along with all the people, but soon, I manage to take it all in.

Jack on the other hand, seems to look a little stressed. "You okay, Sportsy?" I ask him, turning to face towards him. He nods slowly, still staring and trying to process where we are and what is happening right now. "L- let's start this thing already!" He says as he pulls my hand, dragging me near the bar where most old or drunk young men have either passed out, thrown up, or are just blankly staring there. "Really, if you're not comfortable with this, Jack i'm okay with that.."

"No no! I'm okay with this! I wanna do it.. it's just a bit bright and loud that's all.."
He says as he sighs, then orders a shot of vodka from the bartender.
As the bartender placed the shot of vodka down onto the table, practically slamming it onto the surface, it makes the alcohol wiggle until it finally stays still. Jack slowly reaches for it and drinks it all in one shot. Hence the name, a shot of vodka.

Jack then just blankly stares like the rest of the other men at the table. But he isn't staring at a wall or stripper, he's staring at me. "uhh Sportsy? you doing okay, pal?" I slightly nudge him.


"I said, are you okay?"

"uh.. yeah i'm okay.."

He then slowly turns away from my face, making his face turn a slight red. I shrug it off as I, as well, order a shot of vodka from the bartender.

[Time skip- Dave is fucking drunk lmfao 💀💀]


Jack's POV


As I awkwardly smile at Dave, I can feel Dave staring blankly at me just like I was before, clearly getting more and more drunk from each shot he takes. right before he takes his 6th shot, I grab him by the hand and lead him to the restroom to wash him up and take him back to our motel room. "sportsyyyyyy!" Dave yells. I ignore him and start to rub his face with a wet paper towel. "d- *hiccup!* did i te- tell you you're soooo beautiful..?" I feel my face turn a bright red, but i continue ignoring him. After i finish cleaning The aubergine man, i throw the used paper towel into the trash and drag him along again, out the door.

We finally make it out of that noisy ass place and head straight, looking for a taxi.. Just before i knew it. "TAXI!" I yell waving my one hand in the air while the other hand firmly grips onto Dave's. I hear the slight screech sound of the yellow car and hop in without any hesitation.

[Time skip once again- they're in their motel room rn]

With Dave still drunk out of his mind, the only thing i can do is make him go to bed. but how? That's when it hits me. "Hey Dave!" Dave whips his head around, looking me dead in the eye. "Yesssssszz??" He exclaims. "If you get in bed right now, i'll give you.. uhh.. KEBABS! Yeah!" Dave makes an 'ooh' sound and immediately hops in bed. Just before i turn off the lights and head over to my bed though.. "Old sportt?.." I turn around slightly. "uh.. yes, Dave?" I ask, now fully turning around. "Can you sleep with me tonighhttt? pleaseeee!" He then starts to make a face that not even i could resist. I groan. "fine, But don't do anything weird, creepo." He shakes his head up and down, signaling that he understands. I make my way over to the bed, but as i try to get in myself, Dave pulls me in and hugs me close to his chest. "Dave, remember what i said?"

"I don't *hiccup* fucking care, Jack. I'm clingy right now." He says, tightening his grip on me, practically squishing me. I sigh once again. But hey, maybe this isn't the WORST thing ever.. I slowly yet peacefully drift away from reality. Hearing muffled car horns and screeching tires. 'Maybe.. i kinda like this..' I think to myself. Just before i knew it me and a child strangler fall asleep together, dreaming about who knows what.

Tomorrow is another day...



WOOHOO THIS IS FINALLY OVER. I lost motivation so sorry if it's a bit rushed ToT
Also sorry for not updating in a while once again-

Word count: 966

End of chapter...


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