Chapter Twenty-One

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"I am hungry!" complained Inky for about the billionth time that afternoon. The black kit was lagging behind Dawn, Dewpaw and Angel, her paws dragging along the ground and head down.

"We ate about an hour ago," sighed Dewpaw, looking over his shoulder at the kit let out a dramatic sigh.

"But I am still hungry!" wailed Inky, stopping suddenly and throwing her head back.

"We can't stop now Inky," replied Dawn, turning around to face the little kit, "we must reach our first stop before the sunsets. When we get there, we can try and find something to eat. Dewpaw might even teach you the hunter's crouch!" Dewpaw glared at Dawn before the calico she-cat nudged Inky forward.

The four travelling cats were walking through long, grassy fields that were familiar to Dawn, but thankfully the weather was more pleasant than what is had been last time the former apprentice had passed through them. There was a faint breeze blowing and the sun was dipping slowly towards the distant forest, the forest in which the four Clans lived. Dawn was looking forward to going back, but there was still that part of her that was nervous about seeing her Clanmates and their reactions.

"Are we there yet?" complained Inky, ruining the short-lived silence. Dewpaw sighed and hung his head while Dawn nudged the black kit forward again.

"We will be there soon," she soothed, "don't you worry."

"What are we going to do if your Clanmates don't like us?" asked Angel, speaking up for the first time from where she was walking next to Dewpaw. Dawn blinked at the grey she-cat, silent for a couple of heartbeats, she hadn't even though about that!

"I-I am sure they will love you," replied the calico she-cat, forcing a smile, "I mean, who wouldn't?" The grey kitten nodded and was soon distracted by Inky starting a play battle. Dewpaw and Dawn's eyes met, the younger she-cat's eyes sparking with worry. The cream tom dropped back and put his tail over the she-cats back.

"It will be fine," meowed the tom in a soft voice, "Whiskerstar will let them join, he has to. They will turn into great warriors and will be fine assets to the Clan. It will be stupid if he doesn't, you have nothing to worry about."

"I hope that is true," sighed the former apprentice, watching as the two kits tumbled around in the dry grass. What Dewpaw had said was true, the two kits already showed great warrior qualities and SpringClan would thrive if they had them.

"Hey, Dawn!" called Angel and the two apprentices looked up, "Can we stop at those trees? They seem to be a good shelter!" The grey kit pointed her tail towards a couple of fallen trees not that far away, and Dawn squinted to try and have a better look. There seemed to be about 3 or 4 trees that had fallen into each other and created light a cave under the leaves.

"I suppose we can," meowed the older she-cat and the two kittens rushed off towards the shelter, paws churning up the dirt and grass as their happy meows faded into the breeze.

"So now they have energy," purred Dewpaw, rolling his eyes as he and Dawn walked after the kits.

"I swear we didn't have that much energy when we were younger," replied Dawn and the tom purred. When they reached the tree shelter, Angel and Inky were play fighting, again, and barely paused when the two older cats came in.

"It seems like a pretty good shelter," meowed the cream apprentice as the she-cat sniffed the air," easy to defend and we will be barely visible when someone is looking from the outside. There is plenty of shade and if it rains, we won't get that wet. Nice find Angel!"

"Do you smell that?" asked Dawn, still sniffing the air as she completely ignored what the tom said.

"No," replied Dewpaw, "what does it smell like?"

"I'm not sure," answered the she-cat, "it smells familiar, though I just can't tell what it is."

"I don't think it is anything," dismissed the tom, "hey Inky! Angel! Want to come hunting?"

"Yes please!" squealed Inky as she came skidding to a halt next to Dewpaw, with Angel following in a more dignified manner.

"We will be back soon," meowed the tom to Dawn, who nodded, still sniffing the air. The three cats left, and the she-cat put her nose to the leaf-covered floor, the mysterious scent suddenly stronger. It was very irritating because she felt like she knew the scent, but just couldn't pin-point it.

The former apprentice traced the scent around the shelter for a little while, but it just kept going around and around the hollow, so in the end, she just gave up. Dawn lay down near one of the walls of the hollow and began grooming her long fur, which was slightly mattered from the breeze that had been blowing. It was quiet for a little while, peaceful almost, until something or someone let out a gasp. 

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