Chapter 30

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We flew most of the morning and reached the foot of the mountain by midday. From the sky, it really didn't look like much of a walk. And as Dragons, we might have been able to cross it in a day. But now we had to walk the distance, and Dimitri said it would take us about a week to do so. I wasn't looking forward to it.

I was very grateful I had packed some good boots.

All the Dragons transformed into their human form and got dressed. The further we went the colder it got, but I noticed their clothes didn't change. They were mostly wearing shirts and pants, and leather boots. No thick fur coats or anything like that. I also noticed while I was wearing a few more layers and had packed warmly, I wasn't as cold as I had expected. Must be some internal flame thing.

Once we were all packed, Dimitri consulted his maps one more time before we started walking. He had asked me and Mason and one other Dragon to lead. I knew why - he judged us the slowest, so we should set the pace.

I didn't know how I was going to make it over the mountain but was confident I could make it.

I had that belief until we were a few hours in and I was breathing heavily. We were on a piece with a steep incline, and the top just kept getting further and further away.

I was about to start whining or sulking, or just do something else than walking up that damn mountain, when I felt Dimitri's hand on my back and his eyes held pride. I couldn't let him down. Not as my boyfriend and certainly not as my General, so I soldiered on.

Finally, I made it to the top, and I triumphantly raised my arms in the air. I heard Dimitri chuckle, whereas the others all sat down to take a breather. Although I was definitely the one breathing the heaviest, most Dragons were breathing loudly too. Dimitri was the only one who seemed to be doing fine. But although he wasn't breathing like a horse, I could see the rise and fall of his chest with a frequency higher than his normal rhythm.

It made me feel a little better that they were having a difficult time too.

"Take five minutes to rest and hydrate. We will stop for the night at the base of the mountain."

Dimitri pointed to a small stream of water down, way down in the valley, at least it was downhill.

After five minutes, Dimitri got up and started to walk again.

My own groans were muffled by the groans of everyone else. But we all soldiered on.

I dropped to the ground when Dimitri finally said to make camp when we reached the valley.

Once he had made the necessary orders, he sat down next to me.

"You did well, Roza. It will be easier tomorrow."

I really doubted it. I would be sore all over. A little smile came across my face as a thought came to mind.

"I might be sore tomorrow. You should really massage me to make sure I can still walk tomorrow."

He smiled.

"I can cook you a warm dinner instead."


He shook his head as he unloaded his supplies and started to make preparations for dinner.

I sat there and watched him. Everyone seemed to know their role, but I either didn't have a role, or nobody told me.

"Rose, can you help me with the fire?"

I got up, happy to be doing something and being needed, although with so many Dragons around, I was probably the last one to help with the fire. But nonetheless I walked over to Christian as he had collected logs.

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