Chapter 3

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Logan's POV

All I can think of is Tanner. It's only been a day but so much could have happened. Scott could have decided he isn't worth the trouble and got rid of him. No. I can't think that. Tanner is okay. We will find him and save him. I need to save him.

"Logan. You need to calm down. You worrying isn't going to save him any sooner," Callie says, sipping on her coffee.

"Seriously dude. You need to focus on getting better," Nick tells me.

"Fine. Help me up."

"Are you crazy?" Callie asks, looking at me like I'm insane.

"They said I need to walk soon. Help me up Nick."


Nick gets up and takes my hand. He pulls me so I'm in a sitting position and I take a deep breath. The pain spreads, so I press the button to get some morphine. I take another deep breath and push myself off the bed. I stand, my legs shaking a bit, and reach out for Nicks hand. He takes my hand, helping me as I take a step forward.

Callie gets my IV pole and follows behind us. I walk down the hall, the nurses smiling as I walk from one end of the hall and then back to my room. Once I get back I get in the bed and Call my nurse in. In a few minutes she comes in with my chart in her hand.

"What can I do for you Logan?"

"I want to know when the doctor is coming," I tell her, needing to see the doctor.

"You have perfect timing," she says, "he is on his way to see you."

I thank her and she leaves the room. Meghan walks in the room and immediately sits on Callie's lap. She curls up to her, Callie not seeming to mind and closes her eyes. Nick pulls out his phone and frowns when he sees the screen.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Some guy had to be forced out of the restaurant. Mark-Andre just sent me a text telling me."

I groan. This is not what I need right now. I have so much to worry about without worrying about the restaurant. Hopefully things don't get bad. Nick would have to go back and I need him right now. He has to help me save Tanner. A knock on the door makes me look up and I smile when I see the doctor.

The doctor is a middle aged woman who is very sweet. She has medium length hair and is a hell of a doctor. Well, that's what all the nurses say. She closes the door and asks for me to pull up my gown. She takes a look at my sutures and smiles.

"Logan, it's looking good. I think if everything goes well you will go home in a week."

"Great!" I exclaim, a giant smile on my face.

"Now, I told the police to give you guys time and they left last night but they are back. I recommend talking to them."

I nod and thank her, and she leaves only for two officers to come in. The first officer is a pretty big guy who looks like he could definitely do some damage if he wanted. The second officer is a kind looking lady who looks to be pretty strong to. Callie whispers something to Meghan and she looks at the officers.

"Hello. My name is Officer Hawkins and this is Officer Hale. We need to ask you about Scott Thompson," says the larger male officer.

"He's my dad. What do you want to know?"

"Is there anywhere your dad could have taken...Tanner Hudson?" asks Officer Hale. I shake my head and they move on to the next question.

"Is your father mentally ill?"

"Not that I know."

"Why didn't you contact the police?"

"He has friends in the police force. They wouldn't have helped."

"Can we get a statement from the four of you?"


Once they get our statements, they thank us for our time and leave. Hopefully they can help us find Tanner sooner. Meghan is pretty upset after giving her statement. I would be too if I had to relive getting raped. Fuck Tanner is probably replaying it over and over in his head. Plus he could still be getting raped as we speak.

I get a lump in my throat when I think of how much pain Tanner is in. Emotionally and physically. Tanner doesn't deserve the pain he has been given. He is too sweet, and kind, and innocent. He only deserves to be loved, cherished, and held. No one should ever hurt him.

"You okay?" asks Nick.

I shake my head and tears start streaming down my face. Everything has gone to shit and I can't do anything about it. Nick sits on the side of my bed and puts his arm around my shoulder. I feel someone else get on my other side and curl up to me. I look through my tears to see Meghan next to me. Callie takes my hand and rubs the back of it. With all of them being there for me I feel myself start to calm down. I wipe my tears away and Callie smiles at me.

"Don't be afraid to let it out. We are all hear for you."

"Yeah. I've had your back for years. That's not changing now," says Nick, as he pats my shoulder. meghan nods and I smile.

"Thank you. I really need you guys. So does Tanner."

"And we will save him. I promise," Nick tells me.

"Now take a nap."

I nod and pull up the covers more. Nick goes back to his chair and Callie sits down in her chair but Meghan stays where she is. I smile, put my arm around her and go to sleep.

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