Chapter 5

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Callie's POV

"Nick...we have to reason with him. He needs to tell the police this."

"It's his choice and it's not like we can tell them behind his back. He's too smart to tell us. He knows we would tell," Nick replies, telling me what I already know.

Logan thought of where his dad could be and he won't tell us. He is determined to heal and go find Tanner himself. Of course, we all think it would be better to tell the police, but will he? No. We need a way to find out where it get him to tell the police.

"Maybe...ugh I have no idea what to do. There is no way to find out where Scott is."

I look in to the hospital room to see Logan and Meghan sleeping. Those two have been through a lot. It's not surprising that all they've been doing is sleeping. Yet, I'm slightly concerned. Though I know they need to rest to get better I worry they are resting too much. Well, Meghan more than Logan. I know know, is probably really hard but I feel like she should be doing more. Physically she's not really hurt. Oh, but emotionally...she is probably broken. I wish I could help her.

"Hey, Cal? I'm going to head to the cafe and get some coffee. Do you want anything?"

"No thanks. I'm good Nick."

Nick walks out and down the hall. I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes. Why must life suck so much. A small whimpering makes me look up to see Meghan curled up in a ball, tears running down her sleeping face. I quickly get up and over to her and pick up her small body. I sit back down in the chair and start rocking her, whispering softly that it's going to be okay. Her hands grab at my clothes and I continue to sooth her sleeping self.

" no no! Callie!" Meghan screams.

She quickly jolts awake, sees where she is and just collapses into my body, sobbing. I just hold her close and rub her back soothingly. It takes a bit before her tears stop but they eventually do. Even after the subside I still hold her. It's calming for the both of us. Meghan pulls back a bit and looks up at me. I smile and brush a piece of hair out of her face.

"C..callie...are we ever going to find Tanner? I..I miss him so much. The nightmares of what could be happening are getting so bad and I just want him back," Meghan says, crying into my shoulder.

I rub her back and whisper that we will find him. Though I don't 100% believe my words I hope she does. We can't lose faith if we ever want to find him. Meghan stays with her face tucked in the crock of my neck, her tears slowly stopping again. As long as she's okay a wet shirt is nothing.

Meghan is soon fast asleep again, her hand gripping my shirt as if to keep me close. I look up at the bed and see Logan look at us. I had't realized he'd woken and I have no idea how long he's been awake. My thought is answered with his words.

"I'll tell them."

I nod and Logan texts who I assume is Nick. Within a minute Nick is back in the room. He has a coffee but it doesn't last very long when Logan tells him what he told me. The coffee drops to the floor, the brown liquid making a huge mess. Nick looks at Logan with pure shock. Clearly he did't think this would ever happen.

"What made you change your mind?" he asks dumbfound.

" could just be putting Tanner in a more dangerous situation. Clearly Scott is dangerous. He shot me. His own son..."

Nik nods then looks to me. I look down at Meghan and it's almost as if everything clicks in his head. Nick nods and says he's going to go call the police to have someone come down. He leaves the room so it's only us. Knowing Meghan is fast asleep, I lift her gently, setting her on the chair next to me. She immediately clutches my sweater and nuzzles her face into it. I look at Logan and think before I open my mouth.

"Logan...I need you to promise me something."

"Anything," he says.

"Meghan...promise me she won't find her best friend dead. She can't take that. She's barely dealing with everything that's already happened."

Logan nods and promises. I exit the room and stand in the hall. A tear silently makes it's way down my cheek but I don't wipe it away like I've been doing the last three days since Tanner was taken. I let it all out. I can't be the strong one Meghan Nick and Logan need me to be all the time. I need time to be weak. This is my time. I slide down the wall as everything just breaks. The tears pour down my face, my breathing getting erratic. My nose starts to run but I do nothing. I just hug my knees and let myself hurt.

A few nurses look at  me but let me have space. It has been the same group of nurses since we got here and I think they all know I'm the only one who hasn't broke down yet. So here I sit on the hospital floor crying until I physically have no more tears to cry. At some point Nick had come back and just sat beside me silently, the only thing making me aware of his presence being the hand holding mine. Neither of us speak and we are both content with that.

"I want to kill Scott," I mange to say through my hiccuping. Nick nods and squeezes my hand.

"If anything, you'll at least watch Logan kill him." I nod.


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