Chapter 6

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Tanners POV

Cold. I feel really cold. I ran for what felt like hours. No one stopped me. Someone made a stupid mistake and I got away. A smile makes it's way onto my face. Despite that I'm now cold and alone in a forest, I'm happy. I'm far from Scott. He can't hurt me anymore. I continue walking in what seems to be the opposite direction of the house. The sun started setting a bit ago but I wasn't going to stop. I needed to find somewhere safe.

After what feels like, and probably was a few hours, I stop at the edge of the forest. I step out and find myself on an empty road. I look left and right but no cars come. I decide to walk and hopefully end up somewhere that populated. My legs and feet turn but I keep walking down the gravel side of the road. The sun has long set, the only light coming from the moon.

It's almost as if my prayer is answered, headlights come into view. I wave down the truck and hope the driver stops. The truck stops a few feet in front of me. I run around to the passenger side and hear the door unlock. I ope the door and quickly get in. I close the door and it locks. My blood goes cold and I look to see who is driving. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I saw it wasn't either of the men I'd been running from.

"What's a boy like you doing out here at this time?" asks the unknown man.

"Oh, I got lost... Do you think you could take me to the nearest police station?" I ask hesitantly. The man nods and starts driving.

I try and sit as far away from him as the seat will let me. As much as I'm pretty sure he's better than who I was with, he still scares me. The radio is on quietly playing some old country music. I look over at the man and try to make out his face. He has some slight stubble on his face, his eyes look dark, and his hair is covered by a trucker hat. From the tiny bit sticking out I can see its brown with a hint of grey. He seems to be in about his 40's. He looks over at me and gives me a smile that gives me a funny feeling.

"What's your name?" he asks, "I'm Mark."

"Tanner," I reluctantly tell him.

He goes silent and I start to worry even more. Maybe he isn't better than Scott and his friend. Soon we pull into a town and I watch as the buildings zoom by. A police station comes into view and for a second I think he's going to pass it. Then he pulls in. I quickly scurry out of the truck, giving him a curt goodbye.

I look up at the building and all my worries go away. I'm finally free. In no time I'll back back with Callie, Nick, Meghan, and hopefully Logan. I hurry inside, the cold biting at my arms. I step inside and my blood runs cold. Staring back at me is none of their than that evil man. Scott quickly turns around at the clearing of said mans throat. Both of them lock their eyes on me. Everything tells me to run. Then I think, I'm surrounded by police officers. I'm still safe.

I slowly back away, looking for someone who could help me, without causing a scene. Scott stalks towards me, and my mind screams run. Again, I don't. Instead I take a deep breath and scream.

"Help!! He kidnapped me! Please! Don't let him hurt me!" I yell, grabbing everyones attention.

Multiple police officers run to arrest him, and hold his sick friend back. I watch as cops surround them, reciting their rights. A few officers come over to me, asking if I'm okay. I nod my head, being lead to a chair when I hear that sick bastard speak.

"Officer please. My nephew is mentally ill and has done this before. We would never hurt him."

My eyes widen and I stare in shock. No, this isn't happening. They can't let him go. They can't let the two of them take me. An officer looks my way and nods to another officer next to me. Before I know it, I'm being handcuffed and taken away to god knows where.

Hello! Yes, I know, so short....but! I want some input. What do you think should happen. i've thought of so many ways this could go down. Do you guys want the cops to believe mystery man or should Tanner finally be free? Let me know in the comments!

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