Chapter 1

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Third person POV

Callie sighs as she sits with Meghan on her lap. They look at Nick who has woken up in the last ten minutes. They sit in silence all of them shocked by the days events.

"Is he..." Nick says trailing off. Callie looks down and Meghan curls up in her lap.

"The last we heard was that he lost a lot of blood. I think he's still in surgery."

Nick nods and they let the silence take over again. A nurse enters and smiles as she explains she needs to take blood. Callie excuses herself and Meghan goes with her, not letting go of her hand. They take a seat in the waiting room and Meghan buries her face in Callie's arm.

"Do you think he is going to live?"

"I don't know," Callie mumbles.

The nurse comes out of the room and they head back in to Nick. The three of them sit and wait. They wait to see if their friend lives and they worry if their other is okay.

Logan's POV

I walk into the brightly lit room and see mom and dad sitting at the dinner table. Dad smiles as mom kisses his cheek, before turning towards me. 

"Come on my boy," she says, smiling, "time to eat."

I step forward when I see a little boy run through me. He jumps up on the chair next to dad and stands in his superman costume. I smile when I see its five year old me. I watch as I sit down and dig into the food on my plate. Mom smiles and dad takes her hand. They look so happy. Before I know whats going on everything starts spinning.

When everything stops, I turn around and see a hospital room. I slowly walk in and frown seeing Mom laying in the bed, an iv in her arm as she sleeps. My father walks through me and sits on the side of her bed, holding her hand tightly. Turning around, I watch a younger me look at my mother with sad eyes.

Suddenly I'm watching as six men lower my mother into the ground. they step back and my father and me both go up and lay a white rose on her coffin. I step back and Nick puts his arm around my shoulder, whispering words into my ear. A tear slips down my cheek as I hug Nick. Again I'm pulled away.

Everything starts zooming past me. From going to collage, to moving away, to coming to stay with my dad. Finally it slows down and I'm standing there, watching as I see myself pull Tanner to my chest and cuddle him. I watch as I wake up and smile, seeing him laying next to me. I step towards Tanner and look down at him. Than everything goes black.


"He can't hear you." 

"The doctor said he should be waking up."

"Give him a bit to wake up. He almost died."

"He was dead for a minute."

Everything goes silent and I let out a groan at the sharp pain in my stomach. Someone grabs my hand and I hear someone else whisper something. I peel my eyes open and wince at the brightness. When my eyes finally adjust to the light, I look over and see Callie, Nick and Meghan. I quickly turn my head, looking for Tanner.

"What happened? Where is Tanner?" I mumble, my throat incredibly dry.

No one says a word. They just look at me. I look at Nick and he looks down at his hands. I try Callie but she just plays with Meghan's hair. Meghan doesn't even look at me. A nurse walks in the room and smiles at me.

"How do you feel Mr. Thompson?" she says, coming over and handing me a glass of water. I take a big gulp and just keep drinking. I seconds the water is gone and she takes the cup.

"I'm in pain. What happened?"

"You were shot. It was touch and go for a while. You died for a few minutes but the doctor was able to bring you back. You lost a lot of blood."

I stare at the wall as I remember what happened. We went to get Meghan, I fought my dad, and he shot me. That doesn't explain where Tanner is. I look at Nick and see him biting his lip. He only does that when he has something to tell me that he doesn't think I'll like. I stare at him and I watch him squirm.

The longer I stare at him, the more he squirms and I know he is close to telling me. The nurse pulls back the blanket and starts pulling of the dressing. I wince and look down at the stiches on my stomach. Nick sighs and I glare at him. The nurse starts to clean and rebandage me, making Callie and Meghan step out of the room. I look over to Nick as the nurse leaves and I clear my throat.

"What happened to Tanner?" I ask him. He lets out a sigh and looks at me.

"He went with Scott. He wanted to save us so he went with him."

I stare down at my hands and curse. How could I do this? I messed up so badly. Now he is back with my dad. God knows what my dad will do to him now. He could kill Tanner for all we know. We need to stop him. We need to get him back from Scott.

"We have to go get Tanner."

"Logan, you aren't in any shape to do anything! You just had surgery because you got shot!" he exclaims.

"I don't care. I will get better and we will find Tanner. I swear I will save him from Scott. Even if I have to kill him."

"Kill your dad?"

"He stopped being my dad when he hurt Tanner and when he shot me," I tell him, dead serious, "I will save Tanner if it's the last thing I do."

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