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Jeju was a beautiful island, filled with otherworldly myths and stunning locales. It was also a tourist trap, so you were rather surprised at how easy it had been for you to find a small cottage to rent for the week. You could have gone with the bed and breakfast route, or even an actual hotel, but Yoongi liked having his own space.

It had been surprisingly easy getting two whole weeks' worth of vacation all at once. You'd asked personnel for a week and she'd been so surprised you were asking for time off that she'd encouraged you to take the whole thing. So here you were on day ten of your first-ever real vacation, and you were having a wonderful time.

It had been a bit of a challenge to do all the activities around the area that you'd wanted since many of them needed hiking and Yoongi wasn't about that life. However, he'd loved the shopping and took pictures of all the attractions that you'd been able to drag him to. He'd especially loved the ridiculous Loveland that was literally nothing but erotic statues and art. He'd spent that whole visit giggling and sending pictures of giant dicks to Jimin and Taehyung like he was a middle schooler.

Truthfully, the vast majority of this vacation had been spent cooped up in your little rented house, doing absolutely nothing except being with each other. You'd made love on every single surface of the place and you constantly reminded yourself to leave the owners a big tip to make up for it. They'd never know, of course, but that didn't stop you from feeling guilty over violating the lovely old couple's antique furniture...and their hot tub...and the shower...and the counters...anyway.

The point was that the two of you were finally getting some real quality time together, and it wasn't even just the honeymoonesque sex spree. There were actually so many moments where the two of you would just lay sprawled on the couch with something on the tv as mere background noise, and you'd just talk. He'd tell you bits of his past, but you could tell he was holding a few things back. Probably mostly for your sake. You could only imagine the horrors there. He'd more often simply speak about his views on the world and what he wished could be changed. He had such a kind of hopeful view on how things should be, especially for hybrid kind.

You loved this time with him because he was opening up more and more each day, and now you could plainly see the warm-hearted and sensitive soul underneath the gruff exterior. He just soaked up every scrap of attention and loving you deigned to give him and it simply made you want to give him everything.

Today was one of the days that you were dragging him outside. You'd started off with a light breakfast at the cafe near the house. It had become your regular place since you'd been here, mostly because Yoongi had become besties with the little dog that the owners let run around. It was hilarious seeing the dog ditch whoever was paying him attention at the time to run straight for Yoongi when you entered. It gave you a few ideas of maybe getting Yoongi one of his own, now that you knew it would go over well.

After your meal, you'd driven all the way to the side of the island that met the sea. The sight for the day was Jeongbang Falls. There was a little bit of a hike involved, but supposedly the place was pretty and had local food that made the hike worth it.

Yoongi made the hike to the falls with minimal complaints and anything else he had to say died out the moment the full scene was in view.

"Wow," he murmured, staring at the massive waterfall.

"Yeah," you responded quietly, reverence coloring your tone. It was so pretty and almost magical. You could almost believe it if you'd spotted mermaids or other such mythical creatures lounging in the pool below the waterfall.

"Do you think we can go in the water?"

You glance at Yoongi in surprise. "You actually want to?"

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