Welcome To The Family

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Note: So my hand slipped and this became angstier than I had originally planned. Woops. 

It was Saturday afternoon and you both were enjoying a lazy day at home. Yoongi had even gone so far as to let you scratch his head while the two of you binge-watched some shows that he'd always wanted to see but was never able to. He'd never admit it, but you could hear the low contented rumbles in his chest that you were sure would become outright purring at any moment.

Moments like these were becoming more common and you couldn't be happier. He was obviously coming to trust you a little more each day; the haunted wariness in his eyes often replaced with amusement (mostly at your expense) and dare you say it, peace. Perhaps soon he'd trust you enough to tell you about his past. You were so curious, but not enough to force him to bring up what you were sure was bad memories.

The quiet atmosphere was suddenly disturbed by someone knocking on the apartment door. The rhythm was playful and slightly annoying since it wouldn't stop, and you knew it could only be two certain people. You'd completely forgotten that you hadn't told them about Yoongi yet, nor had you thought to set up a meeting.

Yoongi's ears flicked to face the door and you saw him try to subtly scent the air. You wondered if his nose was good enough to smell them through the door. He peeked at you and raised an eyebrow. You shrugged and stood up, shuffling towards the constant knocking.

"I'm coming. Stop knocking!"

Of course it didn't stop. You swung the door open, the dog hybrid behind it smiling sheepishly with his fist raised to knock again.

"Tae Tae, you're lucky you're cute."

Your brother Jimin giggled and ruffled his dog hybrid's hair.

"Isn't he?"

You sigh and swing the door wider to invite them in.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We haven't seen you in a while and missed you. Wanted to see if you would have dinner with us." Jimin answered. He'd already spotted Yoongi sitting on the couch over your shoulder and his jaw dropped. Taehyung was scenting the air and still hadn't noticed him.

"Why does it smell like a cat in here?"

As soon as he rounded the couch he spotted Yoongi. His ears were flat against his head and he looked poised for flight. Taehyung bounded up and got right in Yoongi's face trying to sniff him. Yoongi actually hissed.


"What?! The mutt's in my bubble. Dude, you reek. Back off."

"I don't smell, do I?" Taehyung whined. "Jiminie and I just had a shower together this morning."

"Remember when we discussed telling me too much information, Tae Tae? I don't need to know about you and my brother in the shower," you sigh and sit on the couch next to Yoongi, trying to block him from Taehyung a little bit.

You adored the lab hybrid, but he was perhaps a little too enthusiastic for someone like Yoongi.

"Guys, this is Yoongi. He lives with me now. Yoongi, this is my brother Jimin and his boyfriend Taehyung."

"It's nice to meet you, Yoongi," greets him with an enthusiastic smile. He'd been trying to bully you into getting your own hybrid for years. "How long have you been here?"

Jimin's voice is overly sweet, meaning you were in deep shit. He was no doubt going to whine and complain as soon as he got you alone, using every tool he had to make you feel guilty as hell for not telling him the moment Yoongi moved in. His favorite routine was to act like you not telling him something meant that you thought he was a horrible brother and he'd start crying actual tears until you begged for forgiveness.

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