Catnip Cutie

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Just a quick fluffy filler chapter. I needed some Yoongles fluff in my life. I hope everyone is staying safe!


"What is this?"

Your brother Jimin and his hybrid Taehyung are visiting, aka they invited themselves over, and were carrying a potted plant and a giant bag full of...

"Jimin, is that weed?"

"No!" he looks down at his giant plastic bag filled with stuff that looks suspiciously like it IS weed. "Why? Do you want some? Because I know this guy that..."


"Right. No, this isn't weed. For humans, at least," he grins deviously and you narrow your eyes at him. He's up to something.

"Then what is it?"

Keys jangle in the lock and you turn to the door, wishing you'd thought to send a warning text.

"Hey, babe. They didn't have the chips you like, so I just got another carton of ice cream. If you're nice to me I'll let you have some," Yoongi says absentmindedly as he kicks off his shoes and closes the door.

Jimin quirks an eyebrow at you, mouthing "Babe?" You pretend to ignore him.

Suddenly, Yoongi freezes, his little sniff barely perceptible if you weren't staring right at him and waiting to see if he was going to blow up.

"Hi, Yoongi!"

Taehyung bellows a happy greeting as he rushes towards the cat hybrid. He ignores the flicking tail and narrowed eyes, instead wrapping himself excitedly around Yoongi and giving him a hug.

"Hello, dog."

Well, you supposed that was better than scratching his face.

"Hey, Yoongi. Tae Tae and I brought you a housewarming slash apparently dating my sister present."

Jimin's tone was innocent and sweet, but a lifetime of living with the secret Slytherin gave you access to all of his tells. Jimin was on the offensive and prepared to make Yoongi suffer. In a loving way, of course.

"That's uhh...nice of you?"

Yoongi shot Jimin a confused look as he tried to peel Taehyung off of him, probably wondering what you'd told him.

"Here's a houseplant for you. His name is Esteban. Don't let it die or I'll be really hurt," Jimin stated, smirking as he set the little green plant on the coffee table.

It just looked like a weed to you - green, no sign of blooms or anything interesting. The pot was cute though. It looked like Taehyung had made it himself since it was hand-painted with little cats in a style vaguely resembling Van Gough.

Yoongi glanced at it, his eyes narrowing a bit before blowing wide after a sniff or two. What could be so surprising about that little thing?

"Andddd...a big freezer bag full of the dried stuff. All for you, Kitten," Taehyung giggled, waving the bag that you'd been inspecting earlier in the hybrid's face.

"Don't fucking call me kitten," Yoongi murmured, but he accepted the bag anyway with a nervous look at you.

"Well, we'll just wanted to give you a little something to welcome you to the family. One of these days we'll have a big party with the whole crew, kay? See you guys!" Jimin pulls Taehyung along with him as he heads towards the door, pausing only when he passes by you to whisper in your ear.

"You and I need to catch up, it seems."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll call you later. Out."

Jimin giggles and waves one last time, winking at Yoongi before he slams the door.

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