Part 12

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Just a world building chapter. Back to the fluff and silly stuff next

This was the day. You couldn't take working here anymore. You huff and slam the file down, fighting the urge to set it on fire. It was one thing to bully you and treat you as a lesser being; it was another to use you as a scapegoat with an angry client, endangering your own reputation as a lawyer.

You stood up from your desk, ignoring the startled looks from your coworkers, and squared your shoulders. With determination in your eyes, you marched straight to your boss's office and knocked loudly on the door. Without waiting for a response, you pushed the door open and walked in, leaving your boss looking surprised at your sudden intrusion.

"I quit," you declared firmly, your voice steady despite the nerves fluttering in your stomach. No need to leave a letter they wouldn't even read.

Your boss stammered in response, trying to convince you to reconsider, but you were resolute. As you walked out of the office, head held high, a sense of liberation washed over you. The weight that had been bearing down on your shoulders for so long had been lifted, and you felt a sense of freedom you hadn't experienced in years.

Yoongi was going to be so happy.

As you stepped out of the law firm, feeling the cool air of freedom embrace you, your phone buzzed with a message from Yoongi. It was a simple black heart emoji followed by a "I'm on my way home." A smile tugged at your lips as you realized he would soon know about your bold move

As you settled into Yoongi's embrace, you felt a wave of relief wash over you. The decision to leave your job had been a weight lifted off your shoulders, and having Yoongi's support meant the world to you.

"I can't believe I actually did it," you mused, still processing the bold move you had just made.

Yoongi chuckled softly, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your back. "I always knew you had it in you. You're strong and capable, babe."

You smiled up at him gratefully, feeling grateful for his unwavering belief in you. "I couldn't have done it without you by my side."

Yoongi's eyes sparkled with pride as he looked at you. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what. We're in this together."

The warmth of his words filled your heart with a sense of contentment. You were grateful to have someone like Yoongi who supported and encouraged you through every step of your journey.

"Thank you," you whispered, leaning in to press a soft kiss against his lips.

Yoongi nodded in understanding, his eyes filled with unwavering support. As you both settled on the couch, he draped an arm around you, the warmth of his touch comforting. The weight of your decision seemed to lift further with each passing moment spent in Yoongi's presence. It was as if a new chapter was beginning, one where you could finally pursue your passions and make a difference in a place that truly mattered to you.

With a deep breath, you let yourself relax into Yoongi's embrace, feeling the tension of your previous job melt away. The thought of working at the hybrid home alongside Namjoon filled you with a sense of purpose and excitement for the future.

As the evening unfolded in quiet contentment, the flickering light of the sunset casting a warm glow over the room, you knew that this was where you belonged. Beside Yoongi, with Asmodeus curled up at your feet and the promise of new beginnings on the horizon, you were filled with a sense of hope and renewal. The decision to leave behind the toxic environment of the law firm and embrace a new path felt like shedding an old skin, leaving behind the constraints that had held you back for so long.

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