Chapter 15

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*Thinking about doing a sequel when this one is finished. Who has ideas for a name? It has to include at least "heart" in the title. It also has to be parallel to this title. Leave your idea in the comment box👇😘 Enjoy :)*


"Wait... Did I hear you right?"
Sherika asked.

I watched her close the door. I didn't need anyone from my team overhearing this right now.

"Yes, Rika.." I said nervously.

I wasnt sure If I wanted to find out. I wanted kids... but now wasnt the time. I wasnt ready. Me and Rihmeek wasnt on good terms. The last thing I need is to bring a baby into this world with already separated parents.

It's not fair.

"A pregnancy test? But.."

"Yes. I know. But I honestly think thats what's wrong with me. I've thrown up 3 times today."

Sherika took a seat next to me on the bed.

"I havent been able to eat anything due to that." I said.

My stomach had calmed a bit since earlier. I decided to rest but I still I had a show tomorrow. I still had a career! It wasn't the time nor place.

"So you honestly think you could be pregnant?" I could tell she was taking this all in bit by bit.

It was a lot. I understand that. But it's also reality. Something I wasn't gonna turn back from.

God gave me a second chance and I was gonna take full advantage of it.

If it's true.

"Only one way to find out." I replied looking at her directly.

My hands were shaking rapidly. I was so nervous. I didnt know why. I've been waiting to have a cute little baby. Just to hold, love and spoil it.

"Well If you're positive this is the reason, I'll get you one."
Sherika stood and grabbed her coat. She began to walk out but before she did she turned to me.

"Is there anything else you want?"

"Some Ginger Ale. It helps calm my stomach. Im already a mess."
I laughed nervously.

She nodded and closed the door shut behind her.

(Back In Philly)


I shifted a little at the sound of my name.


I scrunched up my face. Who tf was in my house.. in my bedroom. I ain't invite nobody.

"Meek... nigga get up!"

I fluttered my eyes open. I recognized Tak's voice anywhere.

My eyes adjusted to the light coming in through the curtain-less windows. It was bright. The sun was shining but the snow covered the ground and little droplets were on the window.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. It wasnt early. It was going on 5. I've been in this house all day.


"Nigga Im up!" I yelled. I had this bad ass headache and he wanna be up in here yelling.

I wasn't in the mood for that shit.

"Why the fuck you up here yellin'?"

I sat up against the headboard.
I needed something to get rid of this headache.

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