8 | Trainings and Redemption

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The cleaning was finished. The city was now in progress of being rebuilt by the people of Ninjago. The ninja had helped with the construction and took almost two weeks before they finally caught a break.

"Harumi, time to wake up!" Lloyd stated excitedly as he knocked on her door. "It's time to train." It was her first day of training and Lloyd was more than happy to help, he even got up early to help her prepare.

Silence answered him which made him worry and enter her bedroom. He was greeted with an empty bed with fixed sheets. The blond boy went around the monastery to try and find the girl.

Where could she have gone?

"Guess who?" He asked once he finally found Harumi in Master Wu's meditation room. She was meditating so Lloyd took the opportunity to sneak behind her and cover her eyes.

"Good morning, Lloyd." The girl replied with a laugh as she turned around to face him and plant a soft kiss on his cheeks. She had no regrets doing it the first time in Primeval's Eye but she wished the intentions were different.

"Good morning, Rumi!" Lloyd greeted cheerfully. His smile was now wider after her kiss.

"Let me guess, it's training time?" Harumi smiled as she got up.

"Master Wu is already waiting."

The two made their way to the courtyard and Harumi started her first day of becoming a ninja.

"On your hands." Master Wu instructed as he sipped from his teacup.

Harumi's first lesson in training was balance. So here she was standing on top of a thin pole with one foot in the air and one foot to keep her steady. She did as she was told and flipped herself, barely catching the pole with her hands, and hung in the air with her toes to the sky.

"Your balance is quite remarkable, Harumi." Master Wu commented. "Not bad for a beginner."

"I took fighting lessons from the SOG." Harumi strained through her speech but spoke anyways. "It helped me a lot."

"I can see that. But let's see how you handle yourself with this!" He threw his teacup at her and Harumi caught it with one hand with ease. Her other was now her only source of balance on the pole.

"Well done. You remind me of Nya when she first started training." Master Wu smiled.

Her next phase of training was target practice. Although her weapon was a katana, Master Wu still had her throwing shurikens at targets.

"Hm. It seems this activity is rather simple for you." Master Wu speculated for a bit. "Try it with this." He held out a blindfold.

"If you say so, master." Harumi gulped and tied it behind her head. She spun the shuriken in her hands and focused on the image of the target in front of her. She could hear gears shifting which indicated Master Wu had decided to make this harder.

She threw her first dart and waited for the sound of it hitting the wood. Once she heard it, she smiled and proceeded. Once she ran out of shurikens, she removed the blindfold to check out her progress.

Harumi had managed to hit 4 out of 5 targets. One of her shurikens were stuck on Master Wu's sleeve who now hung onto the wall.

"Oops." She giggled and helped him down. "Sorry, Master Wu."

"We are done with target practice for today." Master Wu sighed as he got down with a smile on his face.

Throughout the week, Master Wu had decided to have a mural painted on the wall of the monastery which showcased the previous adventures of the ninja.

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