- Heart's in Seoul -

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My heart's in Seoul, but my body's in Dakota

My mom wants me to stay home

But I feel like I don't belong

How did this all go so wrong

I used to be foive with a happy fam

And now I'm a grown adult with so

     many thoughts in my head

     look pretty friendly to me now.

     When I was a child I used

to shrink from it all. Now I'm

crumbling like glass heart shattering

at a ball in a room full of people.

My heart sometimes stops thinking

of his face and tiny freckles across his

nose. But I know he'll never know

himself the way I do. My prince, my

guide, my reason to be. And all

he does is simply exist. Is this love?

Or is this just a distraction. My

arms are cold, and my hands long to

hold his own. I don't even know what

to do anymore. Do I go there and have

the 0.1% possibility of meeting him? Or

do I stay home where they say

I should belong. Or does it no matter

as my soul is falling behind? Or

is it someone else I'm supposed to

love? Because right now all I can think

of is him and his adorable freckles.

Maybe we'll never know, cause my heart's

in Seoul, but my mom wants me home

- Jean M. | Aug. 23, 2021 -

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