Chapter 1 - How?

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"Has anyone seen my brother?" Thor looks to the group who focus on the small game of Chess between Pietro and Vision. The only entertaining thing was Vision explaining to Pietro how he lost and the speedster refusing to give up.

"No clue," Nat shrugs, holding back a smile from Pietro's tantrum.

"What's the problem, Mr Thor?" Peter, passing by with a plate of cookies, asks.

"Well, this concerns the whole team, seeing it now,"

"Uh... alright," Bruce looks to the ceiling. "FRIDAY? Can you please call everyone down?"

"Of course, Doctor Banner,"

"Stark!" Steve yells, holding his ears as Tony snickers. "Why is Friday at full volume in the gym?!"

"Who knows," Clint hums, high-fiving Tony behind his back.

"What is it, pop tarts?" All attention was given to Thor who was still waiting.

"Where is Loki?"

"Brooding," Bucky rolls his eyes as Sam yawns. "Bird nap?"

Sam does a double take. "Use your metal arm yet?-"


"Boys, calm down," Nat sighs, "Loki is busy in time out because he blew up another part of the tower and proceeded to blame Clint,"

"I would have believed him if I wasn't the one he nearly blew up as well," Pietro mutters, pushing away the board with a sulk.

"Brother! This concerns you most!" Thor yells with a grit of annoyance.

No answer, but then there was a sliding of leather shoes against the ground, the figure glowering from the hall. "What is it, oaf?"

"Mother sent word," Thor smiles softly at the glint in Loki's eyes at the mention of their mother. "We will have a guest joining us at the tower,"

"A guest?" Tony gapes. "I just made room for sulky McSulkerton there and we have another Assberg criminal coming down here??"

"Who said it was a criminal? Could be a nicer person, Mr Stark," Peter quips.

"Depends who you ask," Thor looks to Loki who's face falls.

"No." The god says sternly. "Absolutely not!"

"Brother, it is by the order of Odin! If it does not happen the worsened fate would be a banishment to Mulspheim. You know what would happen,"

"Woah, woah, woah, what's going on?" Cap looks between the two Norse gods. "Who? What?"

"Our visitor doesn't not go along well with Loki- neither I, but-"

"She's a menace, that's why,"

"She's your sister- our sister," Thor raises a pointed finger. "More yours than mine, so why do I care-"

"Cut the check," Sam blurts out. "He has a sister??"

"Twins," Thor explains, the look of shock on the heroes bringing the only slightest joy Loki has had since first arriving here 7 months ago. "It's a complicated relation as they are not of the same mother,"

"Which explains why we do not look alike," Loki rolls his eyes. "But we have the same father, born on the same day and within the time span of 5 hours, therefore twins,"

"What the patriotic fuck??"

"Language," Cap glares to Clint. "Peter is here,"

"I'm nearly 18!" The spider gapes.

"And I'm on my last coffee, explain??" Bruce rubs his eyes, seeing Loki's glare, "please,"

"Jotuns have a certain... mating season and... birthing season,"

"Birds and bees, ew," Pietro covers his ears making Wanda smack him over the head.

"What in the Omegaverse...?" Peter cringes in near-silence.

"Shut it, snail," Loki growls to Pietro. "Each family generation of Jotuns are conceived on the same day according to the year's weather and therefore the day of birth for all Jotuns are the same per year but not for all, though we celebrate the hour more often than not,"

"This is stupid," Clint grumbles, massaging his head.

"The point is, that is why we are twins according to Jotun standards- do you really believe my... father, would stay monogamous and not-" Loki holds his hands to his lips, "mate... excuse me, I need to empty my stomach," he shudders.

"It's okay, Mr Loki," Peter gives two thumbs up.

"Thank you, Spiderling, now if you'll excuse me, I need to pack my items and leave,"

"Ah, ah, Otter pop," Tony holds up a hand. "How bad can your sister be?"

"Worse than me," Loki deadpans. "I am the god of mischief and she is... the goddess of chaos, so imagine,"

"We're screwed," Bruce bursts into hysteric laughter, walking away.

"I expect my retirement funds to be enough for a trip to New Zealand, Stark I want to see the Shire," Bucky notes.

"Is she hot, though?" Sam looks to the gods.

Suddenly the green clad god lunges at him, the team following to stop a murder. "Say anything remotely close to those words, worse or not and I will have your head on a silver platter to be served to Bilgesnipes," Loki snarls, dagger pressed against Sam's neck.

"Doesn't care huh??" Tony groans, prying Loki off.

"Denial is in his nature," Thor huffs, settling with nothing more than a small dagger wound.

"Do you think Strange will interfere like when Loki came to Earth?" Nat mutters to the group.

"Most likely, but let's not summon him too soon," Tony walks off, rubbing his head from the nudge Loki landed against it. "God knows if you say his name three times he'll pop up like some goodie-two shoes Beetlejuice,"


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- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now