Chapter 16 - Sold!

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"So... this is my room," MJ scratches the back of her neck as you glance around. Your shoes click intimidatingly along the wooden floor, each step nearing every bit of art.

"You plan to go to..." you turn to Stephen, "what's your educational system like? What's the next level after... whatever they're in?"

"College or University,"

"Right, do you plan on going?" You look at MJ.

"MIT, with Peter and Ned," she mutters, her shy demeanour had kicked in yet again.

"Well, you'll do very well," giving her an assuring pat, you look through a few paintings, all of a pop-surrealist style. There were small noted prices on the back of every work with question marks. "You plan to sell these?"

"Uh... yeah, but it isn't really working out," she shrugs in embarrassment. "I'll probably sell them for less just to get them out-"

"No need," you kneel down to the work, looking through them all before summoning a small mirror.

"What is-"

There was a ringing from the mirror and everyone looked to you in confusion. Then a face appears, a man with black and blue hair paired with piercing blue eyes grins to the mirror. "Chase,"

"Ah, princess," a man's face appears in the reflection, "what can I do for you this fine evening, darling?" He takes a long drag of his cigarette to which blue smoke fogs the mirror.

MJ, Peter and Strange all stare in confusion- well, confusion until Stephen fixed his posture, folding his arms and narrowing at the device.

"I have works done by a very talented artist but it doesn't seem to be getting sold," you show him MJ then the paintings.

"Ah, Midgard, always the least open to new works... closer, let me see the brush work," he directs you through them before clicking his tongue, letting the blue smoke hit the mirror. "I can do one bag for every painting, the bigger ones can reach 3 if a collection,"

"Wonderful, I expect Mark, Rose and Tori to collect them," you stand before tossing the mirror out the window.

"Uh... so, how much is that in... dollars?" MJ inquires, her mother giving a surprised look after coming to join the commotion.

"A bag is about 35 gold coins, and if I am correct about certain exchange rates... a bag is-" you let them hold their thoughts before taking out a small notebook, doing a little bit of maths before coming to a conclusion, "$71,225,"

"Oh, lord above," Amelia grabs the door frame, Stephen going to catch her as MJ's mouth drops.

"Are you serious??"

"I expected a better price, but Chase can be very pretentious as are his buyers," taking a painting of a skull breaking out of a sugar coated green apple, you ponder for a moment.

"I expected a better price, but Chase can be very pretentious as are his buyers," taking a painting of a skull breaking out of a sugar coated green apple, you ponder for a moment

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Michael Kennedy AKA Malangeo
Steve (2018) (Adam & Steve)
Pretty Ugly exhibition "Candy shop"
Oil on canvas (?)
(size unknown)

"I like this one..." you smile. For Stephen it seemed like the brightest, most genuine one he's captured since your arrival.

"I can give it to you for about $20-"

"Three bags? Sounds good," you take out the right amount and place it in her palms before giving the painting to Stephen who glares your way.

"I'm your servant, am I?"

"Weren't you always?" You snark to the magician.

"At least exchange it for Earth money," he nods his head to MJ's shaking hands.

"Fine," you disappear the gold from sight. A green cloud appears in your hand, a few sparks moving around until MJ's phone buzzes.

She takes it out her pocket and nearly does a double take at the notification. "Woah..."

"Oh did you see that?? I am brilliant!" you clap your hands as Stephen lets out a defeated sigh.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," MJ wraps her arms around you making you tense. Stiffening up, your eyes widen, looking blankly at the wall before letting out a shaky breath

"You deserve recognition," you slowly put your arm around her and give a small squeeze, enjoying it just for a moment before pulling away. "We'll be on our way, however," stepping back and walking from her room to the front door, you wait tensely for Strange to open the portal.

"Thank you for having us over,"

"No, thank you, this was an absolute honour," Amelia smiles, giving you a another hug which you were less shocked by.

The portal opens once the door closes, Peter looking to you questioningly, "approval?"

"Utmost, but we are improving your manners, that girl deserves the world," you ruffle his hair.

"Okay, did anyone die?" Was Clint's first question once you all enter the living room.

"Keep speaking and you will," you take the painting off Stephen and walk away with your nose pointed up, unwilling to socialise anymore.

"Miss Y/n just helped MJ sell all her paintings! They're going all over the nine realms from the looks of it- oh and apparently a bag of gold is worth $71k which is a lot," Peter rambles on.

"Where did Laufeydottir even get the money to pay-" Tony suddenly gets three bags of gold to weigh him down onto the floor. "Shit!"

"I used your banking details, that's the exact amount in gold... I doubt Midgard has exchange for Asgardian gold," you walk back in and look to Anna who quickly makes tea for you.

"You just- how the fuck-?!"

"Language," Steve warns.

"No, how did you actually do it?? I need to know," Pietro rushes up.

"Keeping me locked up in a tower for so long allows a lot of time to find details that may prove useful in the future," you lean forward to Pietro with a vicious grin.

"Noted," he runs off at full speed, locking his door and barricading it. He sighs out in relief for being safe before turning to see you there in his room.


Pietro lets out a shrill scream, knocking down the door as you laugh aloud.

"Enough," Stephen walks by and fixes the door, opening it for you.

"For a party act you sure know how to ruin one," sticking your tongue out, you retreat back to your room. All he does is shake his head, going to his room soon after.


Finally getting a laptop after not having one for a few weeks- Yes I have been writing this entire book on my phone :)

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Finally getting a laptop after not having one for a few weeks- Yes I have been writing this entire book on my phone :)

- Anna ❤️

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