Chapter 50 - Garden

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"Midgardians," Loki scorns, watching Christine eventually leave.

"What's this about?" Stephen walks over.

"Black Velvet?" Tony gives a shocked stare to Stephen when he saw the brand of whiskey by the sorcerer's armchair, "no one died, why are you suffering with this??"

"It's not that bad,"

"You used to drink Dalmore twenty five's, this is devastating,"

The cloak snatches the bottle away before Tony could. "Are you here to annoy me or did you need my help?" Strange asks.

"Other way around, actually," Loki smiles.


It took a day or two after Loki left but eventually you were out your chambers. Everyone was beyond ecstatic, Anna and Frigga sighing in relief instantly.

You had showered, treated your hair and even put on new perfume as well as a different court dress.

It was now or never to get over this.

Each step echoed against stone walls, carrying towards the garden. Sunlight streams in via the carved crevices, each interact design highlighted. Fresh winds hit your face, a few leaves scattering by as children of those who worked in the palace play by the fountain.

A new teacher was accompanying them. Sleek black hair and 6ft tall, he held both hands behind his back, his blue and red clothing striking familiarity to you.


"Luna, my darling," you kneel down to her height, the shouts soon causing other children to run and hug you too.

You weren't a hugger, but for them, who could deny?

"I missed you so so so much!" She held on tight as the other children greet you politely, hands behind their backs and smiles bright.

"I expect you have all behaved?" You playfully look to the children who nod.

"They're very fond of you, your majesty," the teacher has finally approached, bowing completely. "William, I have only started a month prior,"

"Well, do you all enjoy Sir William's lessons?"

"Yes!" They cheer making you laugh.

"Very good," you place Luna down who does a small curtsy before holding one hand for you to take, the other for Sir William.

"One... two... three!" You and William lift Luna up as she jumps. Again and again, you were sure the gardeners were close to heart attacks, seemingly have seen a ghost when instead it was just you smiling.

"And what exactly do you do outside of your time as their teacher?" You eventually ask William.

"Well, I work in the healing wing," he explains further, "I mainly preform surgeries, fix that what the soul forge was yet to detect,"


"I can't believe I'm on Assberg," Pietro marvels as Wanda facepalms.

"Y/n should be down- mother!" Loki and Thor stop the group.

"So are we bringing the entirety of Midgard?" She narrows her gaze before smiling warmly to the others. "Ah! You must be Stephen,"

"Yes, your highness," he bows his head.

"Much more handsome than Y/n's diary said," Frigga pinches his cheeks.

"Diary?" Tony and Clint look to each other mischievously as Strange blushes red.

"Trust me, you'd be a puddle of crushed bones, organs and flesh before laying a finger near it," Frigga says calmly with an eerie smile. "Y/n actually left her quarters for the first time, should be down in the garden with the palace children,"

"Is Lady Fleora still teaching?" Thor perks his head up.

"No, no, she is now in the East village school- oh there he goes," Frigga waves her eldest son goodbye. "Sir William teaches now, he usually works in the healing wing as a surgeon, though he opted spend time teaching the children now for extra work,"

"I'm sensing a type," Nat looks at Cap.

"Anywho, have fun!" Frigga has a little skip in her step as she bids them goodbye.


"And I was enthralled by the spectacle! It's was absolutely magnificent," you ramble on to Luna who was bounced on your knee. Lifting her up a little easily, her cheers were sweeter than the rose blooms around everyone.

"Oh! Look it's the merchant!"

A boy called Ellion, Luna's brother, soon took his sisters hand and ran with her from you and William.

Shaking your head at their shenanigans, you could feel a soft look kept on you. "What is it?" You see Sir William with slightly hooded eyes.

"Nothing, nothing, it- well, your palace reputation really is quite the opposite," he says awkwardly, "forgive me, I shouldn't have-"

"No! No, that's alright," you stand when he does, "uhm, thank you, for the company- and taking care of the children,"

"It's only my job, and I would happily... keep you company any other day...?" He scratches his neck, "I would love to hear more about that book series you mentioned earlier- in fact I have recommendations if you would like?"

"I would love that,"

"Perhaps... tonight? We could meet in the library, I'd happily bring drinks and-" his lips halt, "sorry, I'm being too forward,"

"Not at all," you tip back and forth on your toes. Was he asking you out? On a book date in the library? "I will... have to think about that,"

"Of course," he bows with a hand held out. Placing yours in his, a small kiss to your knuckles and he walks off to the children.

He waves, walking backwards a little and nearly stumbling into a bush. You laugh behind your hand and wave back as he awkwardly regains his composure, a dorky smile on his face.

Dead in his tracks, Stephen took one step back after seeing and hearing it all. He was too late.

He was always too late.


One more~

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One more~

- Anna ❤️

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