Chapter 49 - Christine

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"What are you-" he looks from her to Wong who shrugs, walking backwards through a portal.

"I got a call and thought maybe you'd need a little company," she held up some snacks. "Wanna explain to me why you're sulking?"

"What are you doing here?" He turns away, shaking hand downing the last traces of whiskey into his throat. "What are you really doing?"

Christine moves to his side. "Wong called after Tony Stark contacted me. He might actually miss you annoying him, or something like that,"

"And what did they say?" He pours more into the glass.

"That you were an idiot for giving up on something, broke someone else's heart and won't fix it,"

Sour laughs ring around the sanctum. "Won't? I can't," he sneers, clenching his fist, "you didn't need to come all the way here. There wasn't any point,"

"Well, I think there is a point," she looks to his hand, seeing a watch and tilting her head. "New watch?"

He turns his wrist instantly, hiding it as if there was a chance it could be lost or stolen by a single prying look. "You should go,"

"I'm not letting you do this whole 'pushing others away to cope' bullshit," she drops the bag of every snack anyone could ever wish for. "That's part 1. Part 2 if you telling me about this special someone,"

He grabs a pack of Oreos with small protests. "Princess Y/n Laufeydottir, Loki's younger twin, second heir to the Jotunheim throne, fourth for the Asgard throne and the goddess of chaos," that smile couldn't be held back, thinking of every title you had reminded others of.

"Isn't that a mouth full," she takes a chair from the side with a laugh. "And how did you two meet?"

"I keep a watch list of the most dangerous beings that threaten earth and Y/n was one of them," he remembers seeing you for the first time. Nothing like he expected.

From day one you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Your h/c h/l, e/c eyes and calming voice. The aura and stance you held, he couldn't help but want to know more.

"And from then on you were head over heels!" She exclaims dramatically.

"Took a while..." he smiles a little, remembering all he was willing to do for that moment to come around, "she never really opened up but eventually it was all worth it. She trusted me and I broke that trust because-... because I was scared,"

"I heard," Christine recounts Tony's email detailing what Anna had explained the night it happened. "Rough?"

"I spent so long helping her heal only to be the one to break everything again," he drops his head. "Y/n meant- she means the world to me... and even if I never have the chance to go back to what it was before that night, I just want to let her know I never meant anything I said,"

"You fixed things with me, we're on good terms now, moved on and all, so why is this any different?" She asks in confusion before grinning. "You love her," all Christine got was a small putty huff. "So what if Y/n is on... not earth?" She laughs, "in any romantic movie or novel, this would be the moment the love interest runs through the city to confess their love or say sorry,"

"Not exactly easy to do. It's not like the Bifrost is going to open suddenly,"


"Why did the bifrost open suddenly?" Hogun looks at the bridge.

"Who are we to care?" Volstagg chortles, stuffing another turkey leg into his mouth as Fandral grimaces from the food spewing from his friends mouth.


"Well, well, well," Thor stood upon the Bifrost landing pad on Avengers tower. "Welcome back,"

"I have no time to waste, I will explain-"

"We know," Thor gives a small hum, walking with his brother to the entrance.


"Anna knows you better than you may know yourself, she explained it all and... well, I'm glad you're fixing it now," he pats Loki's back. "Strange has moved back into the sanctum, so I hope this plan is full proof,"

"When is it not?" Loki smirks before deadpanning at Thor's unconvinced 'eh'. "Shut up."


"I say this," Christine gives a small supportive smile, "wait. Eventually there can be a time that maybe Thor returns to Asgard and you can go with...?" Her suggestion was even unsure for her.

"Very unlikely. Besides, it would be false hope that I'd be able to step foot in the palace. Y/n would undoubtedly ban me from being within a mile of her and Loki would be the one to enforce that damn notion,"

It was silent for a few seconds, both at a loss. One tear down his cheek was caught by the cloak's collar making Christine jump in surprise. She watches one of Strange's hands unclasp to show a necklace locked in. The metal chain swirled around in his palm, pendant now fiddling between his fingers.

Eventually turning it over, Christine caught glance of a few words on the back. Words you never knew about, words he thought would bring a smile to your face. That perfect smile.

"Is that..."

"It was a gift," he looks down at it. "I thought it was perfect, but now it's just kind of a reminder," he places it down on the table, "of how I fucked up,"

"What does it say?"

"It's..." he gave the first laugh he had in a while, albeit one of no louder than pity, "an inside joke- reference, actually,"

Glinting in her direction, she read the words: I think it's more than magical brilliance.

"Let me guess, it's part of your whole cult thing?" She jokes.

"Yeah," he chuckles, "I didn't even realise it happened, Y/n started freaking out- right, you don't understand what I'm talking about... never mind,"

"Well, whatever it is, it seems like you both understand each other perfectly." She takes a second while standing to let out a long breath. "You're not an idiot, Strange, so don't mess this up. You still have a chance, you just have to wait for it,"

"Wait no longer!" Loki's voice announces from the foot of the staircase, the god walking up with the Avengers by his side. "Your saviour is here,"

"More like the reason for this all," Strange grumbles making Christine widen her eyes.

"That's Loki?" She looks back and forth before storming forward, one strike landed to his face. "I hope you're happy, ruining what Strange and Y/n had. You awful-"

"I half expected that to be for New York," he massages his jaw before hissing at another sting from his other cheek.

"That was for New York," she ends, rolling her eyes. "Unbelievable!"


You're welcome for being so nice and giving you another ✋😩

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You're welcome for being so nice and giving you another ✋😩

Also shame on you all for thinking I'd have Christine and Stephen get together in some way🧍

I may be cruel, ruthless, heartless and more but one thing I am not is predictable

- Anna ❤️

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