Chapter 15 - Meeting the... deity?

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Peter stammers over his words like and endless loop. "My... girlfriend?"

"Right," standing up, you usher him out the room. "I expect you to be dressed and ready. Tell her we will be over in around half an hour,"

The door slams in his face. "Miss Y/n!" Peter whines, "you can't do this!"

"Yes I can, spiderling," you open the door quickly and pat his head before shutting it again.


You adjust the green and black suit to fit with perfection against your figure. With your hair put into a formal look and your shoes fitted on, you admire yourself for a moment.

The lace top with the fitted velvet green were a perfect compliment. Black boots and green velvet pants were all sleek, pressed to perfection. Smokey eyes, darkened lips, a killer gaze. You were ready for this little evaluation.

"And where do you think you're going?" Steve sees you exit the hall, Stephen, who had been faced away, turning as well.

His jaw clenches slightly with his eyes moving along your features then silhouette. Loki caught this and took out a dagger only for Anna to whisper a few things in his ear, relaxing him a little.

"I am going to meet someone,"

"You're not going out, let alone on dates," Stephen says, which surprised you more as Loki would have said this before the sorcerer would even think to.

"You can't tell me what to do, Clown," you move past him, patting his heated cheeks. "And I'm not going on a date, I'm just doing a quick little check up,"

"Check up?" Nat raises a brow.

"Peter is courting a lovely girl and I just want to know whether or not I will have to intervene,"

"MJ is great! She wouldn't do anything wrong," Peter hurried into the living room while throwing on a hoodie.

"That's not what I mean," you meet his height. "I'm just making sure you won't mess this up with her," poking his nose you press the elevator button.

"Are we going to let-"

"I'll keep watch," Stephen sighs, hand held up to Bruce who was worried.

"Perfect, at least transportation is sorted," you click your fingers for him to hurry up. "We are expected to be there in a minute,"

"We weren't actually being expected at all," Peter scowls softly, scrunching his nose up when you pinch his cheek.

"Come now," you smile when Stephen opens a portal, letting you two walk through first before closing it behind him. Standing at the front door, Peter rings the bell as you tilt your head to the sorcerer.

"Thought it would be less intimidating without the cloak," he keeps his eyes held on the door, gesturing to his tie-less suit. It was navy blue with slacks the same colour while his white shirt was freshly pressed with one button undone.

"With a Norse deity and sorcerer, how could this not be intimidating??" Peter mutters under his breath.

"Hush," you pat his shoulder then lift a hand up to Stephen's loose curl, "there," it was tucked away only to come loose again.

He laughs softly with yours just a little quieter than his. Both your attention turn to the door opening soon, MJ standing there awkwardly with a shy smile.

She wore a lovely floral dress, hair tied back a little. From Peter's still nature you could tell he was obviously Star-struck. Soon another woman walks into view, her smile more prominent and undoubtedly welcoming. "Well, come on now, Michelle, invite our guests in,"

"Yeah, uh, come in," she gestures, not meeting your eye.

"Hi, I'm Amelia, Michelle's mother," the woman held out her hand which you easily shake.

(I couldn't find MJ's mum's real name so I'm going with Amelia)


"Stephen," the doctor quickly said when shaking her hand.

"You raised a fine young man," Amelia notes making you stammer over your words to correct her but she didn't seem to hear while walking to the kitchen. "You seem awfully young to be a parent, Y/n. No shame, but if you don't mind me asking, when did you and Stephen get married?"

Peter snickers into his hand while MJ grins subtly, both of them stopping when you glare their way. "I'm not Peter's mother, and Stephen and I aren't married,"

"I'm just supervising," Strange glances around the cosy apartment.


"Precautions, my brother and I aren't exactly trust worthy," you kick his shoe.

"You seem lovely enough, who's your brother?" She hands glasses of iced tea around.

"I don't think-"

"Mr Loki," Peter blurts out making Amelia nearly choke on her drink.

"Oh, excuse me! If I knew I would have gotten something nicer," she wipes her lips, "I've been doing a recent reading about Norse deities in this great article-"

"Mum," MJ whines in embarrassment.

"Trust me, this is just fine," you pat the woman's shoulder lovingly. "Thank you though, I was half expecting you to kick us out,"

"That's wouldn't be very polite, now would it?" Amelia moves into the living room. "Michelle has told me all about your brother, all the stories she's heard from Peter,"

"And I'm sure all of my brother's great tricks," sitting beside Stephen, you cross your leg over the other while speaking.

His observant eye kept on you. Stephen made sure you weren't causing any trouble throughout the visit, checking around using his magic that there was no imbalance. None. Not one.

He was shocked in a sense, but relieved to know he wouldn't be needing to evacuate the building in any manner. Instead he listened. He listened to your voice, every word and inputting small notes in the conversation from time to time.

Peter seemed to actually be enjoying it. His smile was bright and MJ was actually laughing more openly. Strange seemed to lower his guard in this moment, thinking over his future plans. Maybe letting you do almost anything you wanted was going to be a good start.

Of course, a little supervision by your side was a good idea; Natasha, Wanda or him could be viable options to take on that role.

Besides, if anything truly bad happened he could ask Anna to call your mother.

Easily solved.


As cute as NWH Stephen is, IW Stephen was supreme- like the energy was immaculate 😩

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As cute as NWH Stephen is, IW Stephen was supreme- like the energy was immaculate 😩

- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now