You wrote me, Beau

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"Beautiful wedding, isn't it?" I hear from beside me. It takes me about a minute to finally muster up the courage to look beside me. When I do, Harry sat there, a white dress shirt with blue stripes, three buttons undone revealing his tattoos and a bit of chest hair. His gold cross necklace also adorned his chest. His hair was done with a few stray curls falling down his forehead.

I wanted to get up and walk away, maybe even find another seat but I couldn't the moment the ceremony began. I swallow back and clear my throat. "It is." I agree and look forward, ignoring the goosebumps that arose on my skin when I see from the corner of my eye that Harry is in fact, looking me over.

I felt like I wanted to throw up. I hadn't talked to this man for over a year, what is he doing here?

"...Please rise as the bride makes her way down the isle." The priest says and we all stand and turn to where Darien was, a smile on her lips, her parents at her side. Harry wasn't looking though as his eyes remained on me.

"Don't look at me." I say, avoiding eye contact. As soon as she passes by, we take a seat once again. When Harry reaches for his phone in his pocket, his hand unintentionally touches my skin, although I'm sure it was intentional. His typing distracted me. "You're not supposed to use your phone during the ceremony." I scold.

"I'm just turning it off," he mocks and puts it away. I try my best to pay attention to what the priest is saying, that was until I feel Harry lean closer to my ear and I am able to hear my pulse. "You look amazing, Beau." He whispers and the hair on my arms rise and a chill runs down my spine.

I hate the effect he has on me.

I clear my throat and cross my left leg over my right, away from him slightly. Harry seems to notice this. He reaches down to my chairs leg and drags it closer it him. "What are you doing?" I whisper, a furrow on my eyebrows. The person in front of us turns, a scolding look on their face as they shush us.

Harry seems to stop momentarily before I watch his hand snake down his thigh, the back of it comes in contact with my thigh, his cold rings made me shiver and I bite down on my lip and swallow back. His index and middle finger softly and secretly fan my skin, this time I said nothing, both in fear of the lady scolding us again and from curiosity as to what he'd do next.

Harry must notice the way my thighs press together because his hand snakes up my thigh and pulls them apart so they uncross. His hand remains put, his thumb rubbing circles on my skin. By this point, I was aware that he knew what this was doing to me between my legs, I could feel it and if he were to run his hand up more, he would feel it too.

It's as if he read my mind when his hand goes up more, his pinkie dips in my dress and I feel him touch me making me jump. I watch from the corner of my eye the way his eyes close momentarily and he takes in a deep breath.

If I bit down on my lip any more, I would bleed. I hadn't notice how long we were into this, but the priest says some final words and Alec and Darien kiss and everyone in the crowd stand up and clap. Harry and I do the same. "Who knew those two would get married?" He says to me while clapping.

"I know, I didn't see it coming." I smile, watching how happy Darien looked up there. As soon as Alec and Darien leave the ceremony, we all follow suit as well. I find the table I'm supposed to sit in and pull the chair out, it was close to a fountain. When I look up, Harry is walking towards me. I roll my eyes. "Why are you following me?"

His eyebrows furrow as he shows me his number and I realize he was meant to be in this table, right next to me. Of course, what were the odds? "Care for a drink?" He asks. If we were going to be sitting together, I definitely would need a drink. I nod and stand up, leaving my clutch on the table. Harry and I walk towards the drinks, he pours himself a scotch and I grab some champagne before I realize.

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