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PS. Chapter Word Count: 1,554

PSS. Short chapter but I didn't know what else to add...

PSSS. I did add a cover though (sorry it's really lazy, it took me literally fifteen minutes...)

PSSSS. Nobody has actually read chapter on though but... T-T

The necklaces were just that. Necklaces. Well, sort of.

The friendship necklaces were given to those in Elda's inner circle and those in her inner circle alone. They went to people she couldn't stand to see hurt.

The necklaces protected them. Any spell cast from Elda herself would bounce off. In this way, they couldn't be hurt from certain careless mistakes that a certain Warrior might make.

Her friends though, they didn't know this. She needed an excuse.

"They're friendship necklaces! Don't ever take them off," She demanded as she handed one to each of her friends back in the fifth grade.

"Why not?" One of them asked her.

She could only reply with the lie that tearing it off would tear apart their friendship. It was necessary. It all was. 'The lies would keep them safe in the long run,' The villain told herself.

Not a week later, the first of the three villains made their debut.


Arcadia was getting tired. After an hour, jokingly watching videos of villains causing chaos and pretending to look for clues got boring after a while.

This whole thing was a total joke and a waste of time, she knew that when she started. She was honestly just bored. She wasn't even going to find anything considering the police obviously spent years cataloging everything about these three to try and bring them down.

That was the difference between Honawaville and the movies. One person learned magic and they used it for destruction, same as the next. The third arrival had mad skills but didn't have a change in pace.

There were no superheroes. Anybody with the kind of powers and abilities as a cartoon character were horrible people who wanted control.

This wasn't just some cheap comic off the shelf where some character would get bitten by a radioactive arachnid or find a space ring and learn they were chosen to become heroes. They weren't even like modern supervillains. Even if this were some sort of movie or comic, it would be in the fantasy genre, not science fiction. This was real life and it sucked.

And these news clips weren't very descriptive. They always got the worst information and caught no dialogue. Arcadia couldn't really tell if two magic villains were responsible or if the news crew were too scared to get closer.

The asian sighed, closing her personal laptop and standing up. Obviously, this was totally all just a joke and she wasn't actually expecting to become town hero after stopping the villains! Of course not! She's not delusional she's just-

Arcadia slapped herself on the head. School was early the next morning and she needed her- was that Knight?

The girl ran over to the window and peered out. Sure enough, several roofs away was a tall figure in a knight's costume made out of something lighter than actual metal or steel. That wasn't creepy at all. Just a supervillain.

Arcadia ducked behind the window sill hoping that either all the villains spared middle schoolers or she wasn't noticed at all.

Though, not everyone in her quartett was safe. The sword wielding villain stood atop a roof, not moving a muscle. And, while it took the twelve year old several seconds to realize, the house was Myla's. And, upon that realization, Arcadia had to bite down hard to not let out a worried scream for her friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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