Chapter 9

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You woke up in a strange room, your eyes we're slightly blurry so it was hard to see where you were. You noticed you had a piece of cloth on your mouth, you of course thought that whoever had taken you hostage was smart 🙉. You notice you were sittin on a orange bean bag sorry of thing, with Shoji doors behind you that had golden lotus design on them. You thought of yourself sitting on a throne for some odd reason.

You also notice you were missing your Haori, shoes, and your sword.

'Dang it! Where the hell am I!?' You thought to yourself as you tried to move when you couldnt. Your hands were tied behind your back and your legs felt paralyzed so you couldn't move them. You looked down at your legs and saw.. Vines? But they were ice.

You recognized the icy vines as lotus vines. You thought that was also what was tying your hand behind your back.

"Mhm! Hmmh!" You tried to yell but you couldn't.

"Hmh!-" As you tried screaming for help again😒 someone put their hand over your mouth to prevent you from screaming anymore.

"Shh.. Quite down now.. We wouldn't any unfortunate things to happen.." The person was behind you said. You tried to turn around and see what or who was behind you. You saw the person behind you and read their eyes immediately. Uppermoon 2

Your eyes widened when you saw the eyes of the demon. The demon had pastel rainbow eyes, he also had golden blonde hair. He wore a very strange hat and a dark red and black turtle neck shirt with a strange design on it. You only saw the top half of the demon.

You refused to look at the demon and kept trying to squirm around. You suddenly get the vines wrapped around you grow tighter and scratch against your skin as your blood would seek out onto your uniform. (If your confused think of it as nezuko when she was trapped with those spider webs that Rui made)

"MHH!" You yelped in pain by the tightening of the vines as your open wounds were stinging your skin.

"No squirming.." The demon said with an evil grin on his face watching you, as you screamed in pain.

"Now let's see I he really does care about you.." The demon kept having an evil grin on his face as he held his hand on your mouth even though your mouth had a gag on it because you kept making so much noise.


With the hashira

All of the hashira were frantically looking for you. Shinobu checked your estate. Mitsuri and Obanai all of the esates. Sanemi and Giyuu checked the forest. Gyomei and Muichiro checked up the mountain. Tengen and Kyojuro checked the perimeter of headquarters. As you can see everyone was worried, especially Sanemi and Mitsuri.

'Come on Y/n..' Sanemi thought as he ran into the woods with Giyuu, for the most part he didn't care if Giyuu couldn't keep up or not. He just wanted to find his friend.

Sanemi kept going in circles and Giyuu tried telling him but he kept ignoring him. Sanemi was worried and anxious he cared deeply for you.

"GAH! IT'S LIKE I'M GOING IN CIRCLES!" Sanemi yelled as he put his foot down. Giyuu was just watching from afar as Sanemi was telling in frustration.

"Shinazugawa.." Giyuu called out but Sanemi didn't listen.

"Why did she have to run away!?" Sanemi said

"Shinazugawa.." Giyuu called out once more.

"I did this to her!" Sanemi screame into frustration.

"Shinazugawa!" Giyuu yelled finally catching Sanemis attention.

"What?!" He yelled at him stomping over to him.

".. You need to calm down.. Theres no point in finding her with your anger. " Giyuu said trying to make Sanemis mood turn around.

".. W-what are you trying to say!?" Sanemi acted dumb towards him.

"..You need to stop being so frustrated.. It's getting us no where." Giyuu said trying to reassure Sanemi that things will be OK(O_O)?

".. tch.. Yea whatever.." Surpringly Sanemi sort of listened to Giyuu by calming down a little bit, but then he continued running around the forest to look for you.

"Shinazugawa.." Giyuu said.

"Eh?" He responded.

".. Did you know about Y/n and the Uppermoon.." Giyuu asked him making Sanemi Flinch.

".. I caught her with the Uppermoon one night when I followed her.. " He said slowly as he started to slow down from running.

"I don know if she is with the Uppermoon.. But I have a doubt that he kidnapped her.." He said. Giyuus eyes widened by his response, did he seriously say that?!

"..." The water pillar didn't respond.


"Y/n!! Y/n!! Oh... Where are you Y/n Chan.." Mitsuri cried out with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Kanroji San.. It's going to be alright.. We'll find her.." Obanai tried to comfort the girl as he gave her a hug. Mitsuri being one of your closest friends was obviously worried for you very much. She didn't think about what you said yesterday about the Uppermoon.

"Thank you.. Iguro San.. I'm just so worried about her, L/n San would never be gone this long.." She said returning the hug that Iguro gave her to comfort her.

"Please be ok L/n San..."

Night time rolled around and all the hashira met up at the masters mansion.

"I'm sure everyone is aware of L/n's disappearance.. And I know everyone is upset of it, but I am sure we will find her.." Ubuyashiki informed all the hashira who set up a meeting to find you.

"I have decided that half of you will continue searching for L/n... We still have missions, and demons to hunt down." The master was smiling lightly trying to have hope and poisitive attitude towards the whole situation.

"The ones who will search for her are, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Kanroji Mitsuri, Kocho Shinobu, and Tomioka Giyuu. The rest of you, I have missions for you all." The master explained.

"At that note.. Let's get too it." The master said blankly, Sanemi raised his hand.

"Master.. I might have a way to help find Y/n."

"Go on.."

"It has too do with the Uppermoon One."

End of chapter 9🤩🤨🤨🤪🤩🤩🤩🥳😜😜😜😫😫😩🥺😭😭😭😕😖😖😖😖🤬🤬🤬😤🥺🥳🥳🥳🥳

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