Chapter 19

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Love has nothing
to do with
what you are
expecting to get,
Only with what
you are expecting
to give,
Which is everything

~ Katharine Hepburn ~


"I ... i'm going out first, I need to see Dr.Jihyo. So, please rest baby" he reasons out and again kiss her forehead.

"Okay, but not too long please"

Jimin smile and just nodded before he going out.

Hyejin looking him until his figure totally disappeared. She closed her eyes and suddenly tears welled up on her pale cheeks.

"Wrong answer Jimin"


Jimin sat outside Hyejin's room. He lie about want to see Dr.Jihyo.

Jimin confused either he need to answer Hyejin question or not. And now he just walk out of the room without telling her everything.

He feels so guilty as if he's now cheating on Hyejin.

There's a reason behind all of this. So that is why Jimin met his ex-fiance, Eunji. It's all started after they accidentally met in Paris during their honeymoon.

A while after his honeymoon with Hyejin, he receive a bouquet of flower along with an apology note from anonymous sender.

He thought it was Hyejin doing at first. But seeing those notes, Jimin know it's not from his wife but someone from the past.

After flower and notes, then a call. Jimin mostly ignored it but in the end he picked up because feels annoying and also curious who is the unknown caller was.

Jimin don't have a clue how Eunji get his number because after the break up, he change his phone number. And as far as he's been informed, after break up with Eunji, her parents moved to Australia, to where Eunji was.

They sold their house in Seoul to acquaintance since her father got better job offer and higher salary, at the same time settle down there.

Jimin met her again a few day after Hyejin's event and starting from that he and Eunji become a business partner, no love involved as Jimin really love Hyejin and Eunji as what she told him, she has move on and now she's someone fiance.

~ A few day after Hyejin's charity event ~

Jimin company now responsible in re-build a 5 stars hotel owned by Eunji's uncle Mr.Jung in Seoul. Eunji is the one who recomended Park Corp to her uncle.

He want to tell Hyejin that Eunji has become his business partner but then she's busy after the event, a new collection and so on. So he decided to tell her later.

Jimin know Hyejin trust him but his priority now is her health. He don't want to make it more worst. That is why he decided not to answer Hyejin's question.

He also afraid Hyejin would think he and Eunji having an affair.

"I'm sorry baby ... it's not the time yet."

Hyejin totally felt so lost. Is this the curse of her with man? A year in a relationship, then something bad happen?

In the past, she and Jungkook. Almost a year in a stable relationship, they broke up in the end, and now Jimin? Is she not destiny to have a true love?

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