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I stared at the feisty young girl in my passenger seat. I saw shorty around the hood all the time and she seemed respected. Outside from the hood though I felt like I knew her from somewhere else.
"Ay, do I know you, outside of the hood?"
"Yes, Bernard we use to go to Sunday school together."
"Ah hell yea, I remember now ." I sat up to get a good look at her. "How is your twin doing ?"
   "She straight, shit, I guess." she snapped.
"Damn a little sisterly rivalry? "
"Nah, shit just changed that's all."
"You right about that." I said ,rubbing my hand up her exposed thigh.
"You got a boyfriend, mean ass. "
"If I had a boyfriend, I would not be in this car with you."
"Yes you would." she returned my smile.

Since a little pup I had always had my way with the ladies, my mom swears my smile is going to get me in trouble one day. So far it hadn't, I was 21 ,no kids and no possible babymommas. I was a young hustler from small ass South Bend Indiana, with dreams of one day being the richest drug lord, with my black queen on my side, till then I fucked all the whores I wanted and took none of them serious.

I turned right off Lincolnway and pulled into the east race.
   "What you doing, why you stopping here."
"I want to chill with you, I can't do that if I'm driving around."
"What, you ain't got no crib." She turned her nose up.
"I do , but I'm not taking your young ass there, I remember your crazy ass momma, wasn't she the one who beat up the Sunday school teacher ?" We laughed.
"Hell Yea, I forgot all about that."
"Yeah, I didn't." I laughed at the memory of poor Ms.Lynn flying across the Sunday school classroom, after one of the twins said she grabbed her arm to hard. Yeah, I didn't want no smoke. I grabbed the fifth of Hennessy I had from the backseat and took a shot.
   "You drink?"
"Sometimes." I extended it to her and watched as she gulped it down.
   "Damn shorty be easy, your young ass tryna get drunk." I said taking the bottle back.
   "Boy I'm grown, I know what Im doing."
"Here, just light this up." I said passing her the blunt, she hit it and passed it back. "Smoke up."
"You don't want it."
   "I like watching you smoke."
"Boy, take the fucking blunt." I laughed shorty was feisty.
"Let me get that bottle back." She said reaching for it.
"You good ma, I ain't tryna have yo moms kicking my ass."
"Stop Mentioning my mom, please I'm a grow ass woman." She said before downing the Henny. I just watched, as I wondered how grown she really was.

"So what's up what's yo curfew? " I asked reclining my seat, extending my legs.
   "Didn't you just hear me say ima grown ass woman, I don't have a curfew." She said sounding like a little ass girl.
   "Look shorty, I like you, but I have met grown ass women and you ain't one of them, keep it real with me and ima fuck with you, lie, steal from me." I sat face to face with her. " Yo muthafuqing ass is grass, you got that Lil Lady."
"Yeah, I got you" She shyly said.

My pager vibrated, alerting me, I looked down at the code and knew which client it was. The only time my pager went off was when there was big money involved or when someone needed to reup. I never stood on the corner or did hand to hand I had lil niggas for that. My best friend Kane over saw the field, but I was the master behind it all, this was my business so I handled all 6 figure deals.

I put the car in reverse and backed out the space driving back towards the North to drop her off.
   "Were we going ?" She finally asked.
   "I gotta make a drop, ima have to take you back to your crib."
"Nah, no I can ride with you !" She said with her face turned up.
" Look shorty, ima keep it real with you, I know you call you self selling lil bullshit sacks and shit, but I sell pounds at a time, I push keys, pure shit and I'm only telling you this because I believe in you." I paused loug enough to light up a mild mild.
   "Believe in me." She asked.
   "Yeah, I don't trust nobody, especially bitches, nobody but my brother Kane and my Mom, but I do believe in a couple people. And I been watching the way you and your sister move for the last few years, and besides you been buying two cuties a week, and you a shorty so I salute you, Cutie." I cracked her a smile.
   "That's real cute, but how the fuck you know what I been pushing ?"
   "Who the fuck you think gave you the permission and the product to move in my neighborhood ?"
"Kane ?" She asked puzzled, I shot her a look "Ah damn I never put the two together and you better never let my mom here you say that's YO neighborhood ." she said, I chuckled, I definitely didn't want smoke with Boss.
"So long story short Cutie, if you stay in this car, I gotta know you gont be willing to shot if it come down to that." I asked, testing her gangster
" Where's the gun?" she asked, I nodded towards the glove box, I watched as she handled the baby beretta with caution checking the safety first.
"Be careful, there's one in the head." She checked that the mag was loaded, wiped it off with her shirt then but it back, she put the gun on the right side of her, next to the seat buckle, I was impressed, hoes was usually scared of guns this girl had been taught right by somebody. I felt my dick get hard but quickly calmed myself I had to handle business first, then I planned to give her the business.
   "I got you." She said bringing me back "That's a bitch gun, but I got you Friend."
"You too much." I chuckled cause it actually was my ex bitch gun. I may have to keep her around. She could ride with me, I proceeded to my destination.

I pulled up to my drop and put the car in park waiting on my guy. I had done business with this cat multiple times, but that didn't stop the jitters this was a crazy cut throat ass game and niggas was always waiting to back door you, so they could take yo spot. I grabbed my tool from the side of my seatbelt and placed it in arms reach, I reached for my personal bag of cocaine just to calm my nerves.
   "What's that ?" She asked.
" You ain't too grown now."
"Whatever, what is it ?" she pressed, curious. "It's coke."
"What's it do."
"Just to balance me out, it ain't no shit I do on the regular though." And that was true. Occasionally, on times like this and sometimes during sex I hit the bag, but I had seen first hand the effect of hard drugs and I vowed to never let that demon control me.
"Can I have some ?" she asked.
" Hell nah, I'm not about to be responsible for starting you on coke."
"I want to try some, it's not you choice." She said. "Just a little, please ?" she begged.
   "Ok, but this the only time." I scooped some in the dollar and she repeated what she saw me do "Snort." I told her.
"It's in my throat, eww." She said face frowned up.
   "That's that drip, it's some good shit" I said as we watched my guy pull up, I put the coke up and put my tool on my side. "Ok that's him, now look, you sit tight while I handle this, it shouldn't take no longer then 3 minutes, if I'm in his car for longer then 3 minutes, by that 4th minute I want you to knock on his window with the beretta , You got that? "
"I got you."
"Count to 180, starting now." I told her as I hopped out, I could hear her counting as I closed my door. I got the book bag out my trunk checking my surroundings before heading to his car. "Sup My Guy."
"Man, you know what it is, just tryna eat."
"Yeah, did you get full off that last meal ?" i asked.
"Wasssss I!!! I had to save room for dessert though. " He said letting me know He had my money AND he needed to reup on his personal shit. We exchanged Identical bags.
"Eat brother." I said as I exited his car.

   "124." She said, back in the car, I noticed she had the door cracked a little with the tool in her left hand, ready.
"Calm down Cutie, it's cool thanks for having a niggas back."
"I told you, I got you Friend."
"Just yo friend." I said as I pulled off towards my crib, she blushed.
"What you tryna be my old man?" I laughed at her. Shorty had a sense of humor, she was cute as fuck and gansta, I could see myself rocking with her for a minute, unless she did some dumb shit.I put her hand on my hard dick, she squeezed it, I could tell the effects from the henny and coke were starting to hit her. "Don't be mad." she said "But I did a few more bumps."
"Damn Cutie, what the fuck I say. "
" I'm sorry." she said smiling massaging my dick, I wasnt even be mad it was obvious she was gont do what she wanted anyways, I pulled into my garage.
   " You mine now." I smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. "But you can't be doing that, especially by your self, that shit is strong and if your not strong enough before you know it you'll have a problem."
"I hear you, now let me taste it." she said releasing my rock hard dick, she twirled her Tongue across my tip, snaked it up my shaft and man I swear I almost called out.
   "Lets go in the house, I'm about to fuck the shit out of you." I said, anxious to taste her pussy.
"Get the coke" she said and I hoped I hadn't helped create a monster.

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