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I stared out my bedroom window, as I watched Bronzs Burgundy Chevy Capris speed down Olive. I too had noticed how fine Bernard had grow up to be. On the rare occasions, when we did attend church growing up, he would be there with his parents, sometimes even playing the drums. Years has passed since then and obviously Bernard was going by Bronz now. Yeah he was fine, but to me, he wasn't no better then the other dope boys around here poisoning the community. I was sure my dumb ass Twin, was one of the hood rats trying to get his attention, but I couldn't worry about that, we had a few more months till our 18th birthday and I couldn't wait.

I looked down at the college essay I had been writing and decided I needed a break, the smell from the cabbage and cornbread my mom was preparing alerted my senses, I was hungry as hell.
    "Hey Ma, you need some help ?" I asked my mom as I entered the kitchen.
"Nah, we gont eat in the next 20 minutes." She said washing the dishes , I grabbed a Pepsi out the freezer and sat at the kitchen table, I noticed my mom giving me the eye.
"Which one of you heffas was supposed to wash these dishes ?"
"Stop playing Ma, You know who." I laughed as my mom finished up the last of the dishes with her gloves on, she hated washing dishes we had been washing dishes since we were 8.
"That ain't funny June , that heffa gets on my last nerves." I listened to my mom go on about May, I knew better then to say anything to disrespectful about my sister in front of Ma. Although my mom was a hard ass and grew up in the streets raising herself she really did raise us to always love and have each other's backs in the streets. The hood knew the Simply twins got down and we had dragged plenty hoes through the hood behind disrespect, so protecting each other from outsiders was there but May hated me, I disliked her , I did , but it was only because she let her jealousy for me grow in to hatered , so yeah we didn't fuck with each other at all, but I did miss my sister, sometimes . I sat and listened as my mom vented I kept all other thoughts to myself.

"I hope she ain't passed out nowhere with my rello. " I heard my mom say before I finally spoke.
    "Who ?"
"Patty old ass , I sent her to the OC for a rello , but hell, feel like that was 20 minutes ago, damn."
"Ma it's at least 90 degrees, and she pushing 90 , so hell." We cracked up.
    "She smoking for free." She said smelling then replacing the weed back to her bra. "At least she can get the rello and bring it back alive." I laughed so hard I spilled my pop all over the kitchen table and the crisp white tee I was wearing, I stood up to go change my shirt. 
"Damn Ma." I yelled racing up the stairs.
"That shit wasn't even that funny girl, Poke yo head out the door when you come down and see if you see Patty."
"Ok." I yelled from my room.

After grabbing a clean shirt I stepped out on the porch to see if I saw Patty but she wasn't nowhere in sight. There was a fight going on though.
"Yo Miguel."
"I yelled out to one of the little bad ass Mexican kids who was slowing taking over our neighborhood, he looked up at me.
    "What's up June ?"
"Who fighting." I asked stepping off the porch.
"The crack head ?"
" Yep , her cousin beating her ass, again" he laughed.
"Cousin. " I said squinting to see better "Damn what happened ?"
"I don't know." He shrugged and moved closer to the fight. I watched for a minute, but shit like this always happened in the hood, that's why I was so determined to get the fuck out.

I turned to go back in the house.
"You don't see Patty, June ? , and come get this damn pop up off my table." My mom yelled from the kitchen.
    "I didn't see her , but Shala out there getting her ass beat, again." I said walking in the kitchen.
"By who, The cousin ."
" Should've have been fucking her husband , and she a crackhead ain't no telling what she done gave that girl."
"You nosey Ma , how you know they was fucking ?" I said ringing the rag out and whipping the table one last time.
"Shit yo sister, if I'm not mistaken i think Princess young, hot ass pregnant to." I rolled my eyes at that one, once Brien found out she wouldn't be ! Shacking my head , I shrugged, I wasn't going to be nobodies baby mama Wife yes , but Baby mama never.
"Can I eat, yet Ma please. "
"Nah girl , I'll let you know when it's time to eat."

I followed my mom out the kitchen into the living room were we heard at faint knock at the door.
"I got it Ma." I opened the door and peered out at Princess.
    "What ? May ain't here." I said through the screen door.
    "Is that Patty? " My mom yelled from the couch.
"Nope, Princess ."
"What the fuck do she want, tell her May ain't here."
"You heard her." I said attempting to close the door.
    "I know, I came to see you."
"Why ?" I asked her with much attitude. Princess used to be my bitch but when she started to show hoe Tendencies like May I had to drop her ass 'Birds of a feather' I thought, I wasn't going to be anywhere near that flock.
"Damn we ain't friends? " she asked shifting from one foot to another.
    "Princess you know I don't rock with you , so what ?"
    "I came to see if you wanted to go to the Juice Bar with me tonight, May was suppose to go with me but I doubt that now." I hinted a little jealousy in her voice ,so I pushed on.
    "And why is that ?"
"Cause she just hoped in the car with Bronz ." 
"Grown ass Bronz ?" I asked looking back at my Mom, stepping on the porch and closing the door behind me.
"Yap." she continued "We saw him and Kane at the OC and he told her take a ride."
"Why you ain't ride ?"
"I didn't want to." She lied I could see the jealousy in her eyes, which was another reason I stopped fucking with her she got jealous to easily but I knew my sister, my guess was she didn't let her.
    "Uhm." I said again.
    "So what's up ? You down for tonight ." I let the question hang in the air as Patty approached.
    "Can I go in June ?"
"Yeah , gone head she in the living room." I stared at Princess a little while longer before I turned her down. "Ain't you pregnant, anyways." Apparently my question caught her off guard cause she dropped her arms to cover her stomach.
"No , who told you that."
"Yeah, whatever Princess & you know May a bust yo ass for trying to come over here and dry snitch, I don't like that & I don't like you, the fuck of my porch" I said rolling my eyes "Pregnant, still drinking and smoking that's why Brien ain't going to ever take yo dumb ass serious" I said before slamming the door in her face "Ma , I'm about to eat !"

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